HALL.com Raises $580K From Founder’s Collective And Others To Transform Realtime Collaboration - http://techcrunch.com/2011...
I've had the pleasure of watching Brett go through several iterations on his idea and I he's going to do great with Hall.com. Despite the "big" players in the space like Jive (my old employer), Yammer, and Salesforce, there is still plenty of room for innovation and disruption in group collaboration, including in the enterprise. It doesn't hurt that his investors (Founder's Collective and PivotNorth) are a great bunch. Good luck Brett! - Patrick Lightbody
HALL.com Raises $580K From Founder’s Collective And Others To Transform Realtime Collaboration - http://techcrunch.com/2011...
Chronon 2.0 Offers Post Execution Logging - http://www.infoq.com/news...
I've seen Chronon and it's really cool technology. Hoping to try it out on BrowserMob soon! - Patrick Lightbody
Chronon 2.0 Offers Post Execution Logging - http://blog.lightbody.net/post...
Pat Meenan continues to offer up simple and practical advice for anyone looking to build a professional, high performing website. Here he provides a fantastic example of how a simple thing like Twitter being offline can have disastrous effects on your own website. - Patrick Lightbody
WSJ Gets Personal With Gravity - http://blog.lightbody.net/post...
WSJ Gets Personal With Gravity - http://uncrunched.com/2011...
Really glad to see that people are still trying to figure out how to effectively personalize news. A few years back I worked on a startup/side project called mioNews. It never quite got full lift off but the intent was to combine your social graph, your reading habits, and your reason feedback (like/dislike) and be able to deliver the top X stories you should read today. I still think this is a huge opportunity and might eventually try to tackle it again (if someone else doesn't nail it first). - Patrick Lightbody
The tribesman who Facebook friended me - http://blog.lightbody.net/post...
Google Axes More Services: Jaiku, Buzz, Code Search & More - http://blog.lightbody.net/post...
Google Axes More Services: Jaiku, Buzz, Code Search & More - http://techcrunch.com/2011...
Good to see Google focussing and saying "no" to distractions. This is something Apple has been excellent at in the last decade and something I try to apply to my own career as much as possible. - Patrick Lightbody
Repost: Testing a Flex client with BrowserMob - http://blog.browsermob.com/2011...
NeuStar To Acquire On-Demand Customer Insight Provider TARGUSinfo For $650 Million - http://blog.lightbody.net/post...
NeuStar To Acquire On-Demand Customer Insight Provider TARGUSinfo For $650 Million - http://techcrunch.com/2011...
Awesome to see Neustar, the company that I sold BrowserMob to, on TechCrunch! And this is the same day I started seeing commercials for UltraViolet movies - a good day for Neustar indeed! - Patrick Lightbody
Steve Jobs, Superman - http://uncrunched.com/2011...
Chris Dixon (via Mike Arrington) declares that great men (supermen!) can make a great company. I agree. I think that the world lost possible THE Superman if technology last week when Steve Jobs died. - Patrick Lightbody
How to Keep Up With the Holiday Rush: 8 Tips for Retailers Looking to Conquer Spikes in Website Traffic - http://blog.browsermob.com/2011...
You’ve Got To Admit It’s Getting Better - http://blog.lightbody.net/post...
You’ve Got To Admit It’s Getting Better - http://techcrunch.com/2011...
Wow, surprised Ryan Dahl's rant about Node (which is worth a read, btw) actually ended up all the way on TechCrunch! - Patrick Lightbody
You’ve Got To Admit It’s Getting Better - http://techcrunch.com/2011...
Seriously? People frequently buy three random ass alarm clocks... - http://blog.lightbody.net/post...
Article: Effective Java Profiling With Open Source Tools - http://www.infoq.com/article...
Ask your startup question live, Oct 6, 1-3pm Central - http://blog.asmartbear.com/sblive-...
Come one, come all! Announcing BrowserMob First Friday Feedback Office Hours - http://blog.browsermob.com/2011...