Sitting in the front office helping someone (said front office has a receptionist window though it isn't a receptionist office). Random gent walks into the building. I smile and continue what I'm doing and the gent walks right on in to the main area like he owns the place. I glance at him like he's a wee bit crazy and continue what I'm doing.
Turns out he DOES own the place: one of our owners just did a random pop-in from Virginia Beach. FML. - FFing Enigma
Good thing you didn't take him down. - Kevin (aka ThreadKilla)
OOPS! - #cryptic
Undercover boss. :d - AJ Batac
Indeed! Luckily I have more than enough going on today to keep busy and out of his way. Unless there's an office lunch involved somehow, I'm always down for an office lunch. - FFing Enigma
One never knows, good things might come from being noticed. - Sue - Friendfeed is best
Were you wearing your skates and pads in the office today as I think this would make a lasting impression? - Steve C, Team Marina
No, I was in fact dressed in the expected business casual attire. I even wore mascara today, which means I must be all psychic and junk. - FFing Enigma