Sue - Friendfeed is best

Why can't we all just get along? We don't all have to like each other, just tolerate each other and respect each other's rights.
It’s been so long I’ve forgetten how to be Sue Baskerville. - http://suezannecbaskerville.wo...
Anti-American Protests Over Film Expand to Nearly 20 Countries - -
Anti-American rage that began this week over a video insult to Islam spread to nearly 20 countries across the Middle East and beyond on Friday, with violent and sometimes deadly protests that convulsed the birthplaces of the Arab Spring revolutions, breached two more United States Embassies and targeted diplomatic properties of Germany and Britain. - Sue - Friendfeed is best
U.S. Is Preparing for a Long Siege of Arab Unrest - -
As of Saturday night, the worst of the crisis appeared to have passed, at least for now. The Egyptian government, responding to administration pressure, cracked down on protesters in Cairo on Saturday, and in Libya the government rounded up suspects in the violence that killed four Americans on Tuesday. Leaders in Saudi Arabia and Tunisia appealed for calm. - Sue - Friendfeed is best
Afghanistan Tries to Block Video and Head Off Rioting - -
Racing to head off potentially violent demonstrations over an anti-Islamic video, the Afghan government on Thursday pushed Internet providers to shut down access to Web sites hosting the clip, and asked political and religious leaders to urge calm, senior Afghan officials said. - Sue - Friendfeed is best
Google Blocks Inflammatory Video in Egypt and Libya - -
As violence spread in the Arab world over a video on YouTube ridiculing the Prophet Muhammad, Google, the owner of YouTube, blocked access to it in two of the countries in turmoil, Egypt and Libya, but did not remove the video from its Web site. - Sue - Friendfeed is best
Google Won’t Rethink Anti-Islam Video’s Status - -
Google said it had already determined that the video did not violate its terms of service regarding hate speech. In this case, the video stays up because it is against the Islam religion but not Muslim people. The company also said Friday that it had blocked access to the video in India and Indonesia because it violated local laws. - Sue - Friendfeed is best
Apple's iPhone 5 has larger screen and LTE networking - Computerworld -
The iPhone 5 also has a faster chip and a new connector that is faster but doesn't work with existing docks - Sue - Friendfeed is best
Google blocks controversial YouTube video in India - Computerworld -
Google has blocked access in India to a YouTube film trailer that mocks the Prophet Muhammad, claiming it was meeting a valid legal process, the company said on Friday. - Sue - Friendfeed is best
Toys R Us Launches Kid-Centric Tabeo Tablet | NewsFactor Network -
The Toys R Us Tabeo is a 7-inch, multi-touch tablet. It offers 4 GB of internal flash memory, which is expandable through a microSD slot. Tabeo features 50 free, preinstalled apps that the retailer said it "carefully selected to entertain and educate children." Toys R Us is also launching an app store for Tabeo. - Sue - Friendfeed is best
Citrix Launches Podio for iPad | NewsFactor Network -
Podio, the Citrix platform now available on iPad, has also implemented 15 integrations with other tools, such as the ability to access and send files from YouSendIt as part of status updates, app items, tasks and private messages. Podio also integrates with ShareFile, Box, Google Drive, SkyDrive, Zendesk, Gmail, GoToMeeting, Evernote and Google Docs. - Sue - Friendfeed is best
Intel: Forget Keyboards and Mice, 'Perceptual Computing' on Its Way | NewsFactor Network -
In Intel's view, perceptual computing will be built around voice commands, facial recognition, eye-tracking and gestural controls. "People love the way" they can interact with machines using voice and gesture, said Intel's Dadi Perlmutter, adding that the new perceptual computing "will be more natural and intuitive." - Sue - Friendfeed is best
Kunsten å koke et egg - Kjemisk institutt -
Bobleposer 2-lags - Rajapack - Størst på emballasje -
Tiramisu - Oppskrifter - VG Nett -
TeamViewer - Free Remote Control, Remote Access & Online Meetings -
"Jive Software has taken over (or is taking over) from Google Docs" - dear Lord, please say it isn't so!
Re: 8 Powerful & Inexpensive Desktop Design Apps -
"The font viewer is named "Opcion", not "Opicon". You spelled it wrong 3 times despite having the correct spelling displayed in the picture." - Sue - Friendfeed is best
Would anyone want a triple boot WP7, Android, and WebOS phone?
Can you run for office as both a Democrat and Republican at the same time?
I need to buy a house in Detroit and gasoline in Venezuela.
Fwd: Celluon evoMouse - the evolution of the mouse - (via
An ipad 2 only has a half gig of ram? I didn't realize how primitive the table devices are.