Sue - Friendfeed is best

Why can't we all just get along? We don't all have to like each other, just tolerate each other and respect each other's rights.
Fwd: Celluon evoMouse - the evolution of the mouse - (via
An ipad 2 only has a half gig of ram? I didn't realize how primitive the table devices are.
Committing acts of aggression isn't an example of government gone wrong; it's what governments are for.
Incredible story of one man’s photo used around the world without his knowledge [Video] -
There's an interesting video interview with the man with the screaming face. - Sue - Friendfeed is best
NYPD Detective Oscar Sandino pleads guilty to sexually assaulting a woman he arrested -
The notion that it's possible to have a portion of humanity protect us from the rest is statist utopianism. - Sue - Friendfeed is best
And your proposed alternative? - Brian Sullivan
What the detective did was, obviously, depraved and indefensible under any circumstances by anyone. What the hell is "statist utopianism?" From where I sit, it's a bit of gobbledy-gook rhetoric lifted from a poli-sci textbook. The notion it's possible to have a portion of humanity protect us from the rest is part of an honorable and old-fashioned idea called the social contract, which has received short shrift in the past 30 or so years, as too many forget that we got where we are by cooperation and hard work, not greed and cruelty. - Hieronymus Murphy
Who are the nuttiest, craziest, most off their rocker people holding political power?
Those who are attempting to cut support to the poor, the sick, children and the elderly. - Absentee
How does one jibe claims about the subjective nature of reality with claims such as "there's no way that the reactors in Japan could explode" or the determination of guilt in a court?
I can't stand the "subjective nature of reality" claim. Reality is objective; our interpretations of it are often subjective. - Absentee
Were there babies in the Matrix virtual world? Newborns and children growing to adults and dying of old age?
"Death tolls rise." Yes, they do; it's the way of death tolls to rise. Barring great advances in medicine that's not likely to change for a while.
Fwd: RT @_bigbigtruck_: Restaurants: please, please, please offer your menus in HTML format on your website. PDFs are for printers. And suckers. (via
The phrase "desk jockey" should be made part of official job descriptions and titles.
Dear world: I don't want my software to have gear symbols. First off, it's software; there aren't any gears. It's not the analytical engine made of brass, and you guys aren't engineers. You're computer programmers, or systems analysts, or interface designers. That's right, some of you are designers, like fashion designers and interior designers.
Second, that gear, why do you put it where you do? You have a physical gear covered with adhesive that you throw at the screen while blindfolded after spinning around a few times and wherever it sticks is where the gear goes in your app, isn't that right? - Sue - Friendfeed is best
Actually, we know why the gears and stuff started appearing in odd places - you're stealing interface designs and software from one culture and using them in a different culture, figuring you're less likely to have your misuse noticed that way, right? Some UI designer in the right to left world is probably putting major stuff on the left, copying from normal convention in my part of the world, driving my far off counterpart mad, just like me. - Sue - Friendfeed is best
Go ahead, admit it; you've thought about starting a company with an abnormally capitalized name, like matchBook, haven't you? You bastard!
I wanted to see the column headers in Seesmic while typing my message, but can't. Boo!
Seesmic's display seems initially to be fairly similar to Hootsuite. The dropdown from the text entry field blocks the column headers.
Cuttlefish ink contains taurine, aspartic acid, glutamic acid, alanine and lysine. It's nature's energy drink!
What is the value of the "Twitter Newspapers" made by
Where does Ghaddafi's weaponry come from?
Chrome's tabs slide when you close one. It's like a demon from hell made a browser just for me.
Nuclear power plants like the ones in trouble in Japan are an example of possible errors in infrastructure spending.
Sir Tim Berners-Lee sure does a good Krispin Glover imitation. Continuously.
Looking for work? Are you great at putting controls anywhere, all over the place, without the slightest regard for consistency, logic, ease of use, or any other positive attribute? If so just apply for any user interface design position at any organization in the whole world. Your skills are in demand.
Anyone have any comments on cell phone providers offering free netbooks? Anyone have one of those deals and liking it?
Is the Alphaville Herald site down? This is the second site failure I've seen today.
What software comes the closest to being a Mavis Beacon for musical keyboards?
YouTube - Snake Robot Climbs a Tree -
When I see the name "Gary Oldman" I think "Gary Coleman". Gary Oldman's name has never sunk in. In Alex's post at , for example, when I first read it, I'm thinking about costumes on Gary Coleman.
"What the world needs now is force, sweet force. That's the only thing that there's just too little of." When people express their love of statist violence, as they so often do, those altered lyrics sometimes float depressingly through my mind.
If you don't feel like much is happening in your life, maybe there's some place you haven't found yet where you need to click on a "432 queued items" link.
Hundreds of Anglicans moving to Catholic church. In other news, numerous Burger King customers switching to McDonalds.
At least when switching restaurants they don't make you wait 40 days before you can get a Big Mac. - Kevin L
Do your bosses expect you to break the law at work? If so, how?