Andy Bakun

Gentleman Hacker; Artifex; Raconteur; At Large; Coder laureate; Victim of Arbitrariness; people think I'm a Consummate Snowball Artist
Be careful when transporting Cadbury Caramel Eggs via toy trains and LEGO vehicles, they have a tendency to leak.
• @hopefulcyborg I always put my programs at 49152 on the C64.
RT @acodesmith: Ok #webdevelopment community, it's WAAAAY past time to talk about the favicon. This is ridiculous. #html @w3c
MauryCompson: Seriously, of all the mistakes you can make, I bet crucifying God must be in the top 5 -
RT @startupljackson: It seems like Skynet 2015 would be some 14yo's fork of an open source AI project, bootstrapped on AWS with mom's credit card.
RT @startupljackson: In Terminator, Skynet was a massive government-funded project. In an open source cloud-based world, this idea seems quaint.
Eagerly awaiting for HTTP/2 to completely and finally solve the terrible mobile scourge that is slow link resolving.
jfruh: NO WAIT I REMEMBERED, it was "meth lab for booty", jesus that's terrible -
arclight: I take the opinionated position that source code should be correctly interpretable without external (hidden state) like compiler options -
theitskeptic: Why does Shadow IT get praised when Shadow Finance, Shadow Procurement, Shadow Branding, and Shadow Recruitment dont? #SMTruths -
Looking forward to cheap chocolate rabbits next week.
miah_: Is there a gnu social project that isn't a pile of php? -
doltEvan: Ah, forgot that I have to rush to get something out, and then when I ask for people to QA the resulting product, nobody cares anymore. -
Anyone used GNU Social/StatusNet?
Never heard of it until I ran into - imabonehead
I first saw it in the form of in 2008. - Julian
GonzoHacker: They don't have to make it illegal if they can make it impossible -
LostCatDog: Sorry I said your kid's art project was a "stunning indictment of procreation" -
_thwarted on New UEFI boot roms may not allow any OS but Windows to load. -
"How is this at all compatible with an Open Source Windows, mentioned in another thread? Even if they do the lame open source that only lets people look at it but not reuse it, it will still be able to be compiled and the user's build won't be able to be signed." - Andy Bakun
Nullsleep: Life sucks and then you live forever in a computer simulation. -
_thwarted on Microsoft: "An Open Source Windows is 'definitely possible'" -
"Oh how times have changed. Remember the Halloween Documents?" - Andy Bakun
RT @gortok: Developers should define themselves by the problems they solve, not the technologies they use.
It's either "Bring Your Kid to the Driving Range Day", or the last day of spring break.
RT @miah_: @lusis with docker you’re outsourcing ops intelligence to those who have none.
fogus: A scifi novel where a modern web developer is transported into the 1970s computing world and doesn't know what a kilobyte is. -
secretGeek: Correction: a centralized website managing distributed repos is under distributed attack from a centralized government. -
Distractify | 30 Baby Shower Cakes To Remind You That Childbirth Is Actually Horrifying -
Baby showers are pretty horrifying as well... - Spidra Webster
^ THIS. - Hookuh Tinypants
Totally. - Stephan Planken
Also, I think very last one on the list is my favorite. :D - Hookuh Tinypants
#golang's http.ResponseWriter assumes a 200. It also emits an HTML Content-type header if it sees HTML on the first line.
• @maiab because of Chrome Profiles, I'll never know if Google actually fixes the multi-account brokenness of drive/docs.
RT @nobert: The idea that ops is a cost center so let's save money by not hiring ops people is such a terrible and idiotic antipattern.
i've seen this first hand. - imabonehead
markkawika: This yak is way hairier than I expected -
meatmanek: OH: "This yak is as smooth as a baby's butt" -
moonpolysoft: OH during a customer interview: "oh my god you guys are gonna make an obscene amount of money" -
Fun_Beard: Really digging the new pixie cut my wife gave her bush. -