Andy Bakun

Gentleman Hacker; Artifex; Raconteur; At Large; Coder laureate; Victim of Arbitrariness; people think I'm a Consummate Snowball Artist
moonpolysoft: OH during a customer interview: "oh my god you guys are gonna make an obscene amount of money" -
Fun_Beard: Really digging the new pixie cut my wife gave her bush. -
mattblaze: Another "bomb making info on the 'net" moral panic? First key escrow, now this. I guess we're re-living the 90's one dumb idea at a time. -
This color palette is so even and beautiful. From
nobert: Call for proposals for Neckbeard Days 2015 -- talk about shell scripts, emacs lifehacks, or your window manager customizations. -
GonzoHacker: This code is so old it logs to cuneiform tablets -
RT @theitskeptic: Why invest so much in building it and so little in ensuring it returns on the investment? ##SMTruths
UncleDynamite: If you desire more freedom of religion than is guaranteed by the Constitution, emigration may be the right choice for you. -
iamdevloper: Waiter, there's a bug in my code. -
mzbat: I have to go to meeting about setting up our next meeting. Be good while I'm away. -
I really want a remastered HD version of "The Whiz Kid and the Mystery at Riverton".
Not the Short Circuit we want, but the Short Circuit we deserve. #Chappie
— @mosheroperandi No, my DNS was working fine before this domain started resolving. I consider this tantamount to
• @EFF If only House of Cards had the influence over law making.
When you can't even remember what you had for dinner two days ago.
Listen, I tried the best that I could but I couldn't stay away from it.. - Andy Bakun
• @sidereelLeah I swear, I was just putting my finger on the pulse of the internet when I said that! Archivists are misunderstood!
beerops: OH: "The tables will continue to be dropped until MySQL availability improves." -
RT @khoi: 9-to-5 Mac: Jay-Z’s new Tidal music service respects the artist, but rips off Spotify’s UI.
• @andrewrench "Women and Children First" is the better band name. Unless the band really sucks, then "Fair Warning" is better.
The year is 2047. Playboy is under investigation for being the only one NOT using computer generated, virtual women in adult entertainment.
The year is 2029. Playboy is under congressional investigation for fraud for using computer generated, virtual women as playmates.
• @DanielBoswell … so don't lament that lame 71% who wants free, provide the deluxe editions, the live shows, etc to those who will pay.
• @DanielBoswell yeah, people *are* willing to pay, and pay a premium, for those. The market has spoken as to what it considers valuable…
RT @ceejbot: ✌ @Reading ""The Best Programming Advice I Ever Got" with Rob Pike" h/t @chrisdesalvo
• @DanielBoswell anything > free is overvaluation if you want to create a market (aka make money) and no one wants to pay.
• @RebelKing but using money as a proxy to measure cultural significance means one will be disappointed.
• @RebelKing Let's not conflate value as "money changes hands" & "meaningful to culture". Of course creation has cultural significance...
• @RebelKing You can set whatever price you want, but if no one wants to pay it, that price is, by definition, too high.
• @importantshock @moonpolysoft hopefully you're getting excited about what *you* are creating, rather than which tools you use to create.
This thread explains why 4/1 is lame.
• @RebelKing @entrauge ... Markets are created when people agree on prices, not when prices are demanded.
• @RebelKing @entrauge this means that musicians continue to overvalue their product, which is their prerogative...