
Musician and nerd at large. I'm a Mac and a Linux. My opinions are mine, not my employer's.
I just ate more raw fish than Flipper the frigging Dolphin. :)
Can you balance a ball on your nose? - LB ❤s FF, esp. YOU
AYCE sushi FTW. Bonus - 2 exits from Casa Teleken.
Also - $8. Did I mention it's AYCE? :) - teleken
I just kicked that interview's ass.
\(^_^)/ - Jenny H.
Interview Ken is interviewing again...
The last time I wore that jacket was 16 years ago to marry ex-Mrs. Teleken. Hoping for a better outcome this time. - teleken
Wishing better luck this time around. :) - LB ❤s FF, esp. YOU
Well, hellooooooooo! You look might fine, sir. - Melly #FForever
Got my bill from the ER for last month's fun - $30 (!) counting the $100 copay I already paid. Bonus - I lived. Win.
Do you live in Canada? :) - Louise "Weezy" Alcorn
I wish. :) Seriously, love the culture. I got lucky - for its shortcomings, and there are many, I get great benefits with my current job. - teleken
Update: Apparently yesterday's bill was just for the labs. Got another bill for $260 today. Still better than dead. - teleken
*shakes fist* - LB ❤s FF, esp. YOU
Now Playing - The Smiths - "Complete." One box set unquestionably worth owning.
Merry Christmas, everyone. Peace to you and yours, regardless of your specific beliefs.
Monitors/sound card have yet to be deployed, and there's a few other minor tweaks, but here's the general idea.
Oooooooooohhh... - m9m, Crone of FriendFeed
Some people play videogames on their day off. Me? I decided to upend the layout in my project studio/office. Pics pending.
I completely forgot to play videogames :( - Amit Patel
In the interest of full disclosure, yesterday was Madden 13 and COD: Black Ops 2 Day. I look at it as my reward to myself for working tomorrow. One way or the other, this is the LAST Christmas I work while my parents are still alive. - teleken
Wells Fargo, get your story straight, please. #kensmash
Apparently my debit card was compromised for Christmas this year. Wells Fargo was at least reasonably cool about it and a replacement card is en route.
They didn't. I'm pretty religious about reviewing my bank statement every few days and caught the charge. - teleken
Oh holy wow, y'all. :) Mr. Marr's autograph in the book was a nice touch.
sweet axe. - Big Joe Silenced
Thanks. These "bareknuckle" pickups are great - chime for days. Perfect trem bridge too. :) - teleken
what the what? awesome! - Marie
And... Merry Christmas to me. Thanks, Bob, for that unexpected $1K bonus - as you can see, I'm putting it to good use. :)
Fender Johnny Marr Signature Jaguar - found a screaming deal on a slightly used one that saved me about $400. It'll be here Wednesday and I'm stoked. Shoplifters of the World unite... :) - teleken
that one has some good mods. score. - Big Joe Silenced
That pic actually IS my guitar, BTW, not a stock photo - it's coming from Gryphon in Palo Alto. More pics here: - teleken
The varmints.
the black cat looks like ours (Apollo) - he even has a long tail that tends to curl at the end. - Elizabeth Brown
That's Luigi - he's a polydactyl and insane. :) - teleken
I can see the extra toes on his front paws. Apollo is our chewer - we can't leave tassels of any kind out or they will be destroyed. - Elizabeth Brown
I wish Louie's misbehavior were limited to chewing. :( That said, he's my cat, so...Trying to find ways to work around the stuff he does and determine what's driving him to do it. - teleken
Finally getting some strength back in my picking hand after last week's drama. That arguably sounds much more "arty" than I intend it to, but quite honestly, it's a REALLY awful feeling when your brain is sending signals to your hands and your hands simply won't do as they're being told. Glad to find whatever damage done appears to be temporary.
I can't imagine how frustrating that has to be - I hope the strength recovers quickly. - Jennifer Dittrich
It's hard to explain. My left hand (fretting hand) was fine, but my right hand... I couldn't play the way I've been playing for the last 25+ years. Again, apologies for how "arty" this sounds, but as I'm entirely self-taught, my picking and strumming styles are somewhat unique to me and I was concerned I might have lost them. - teleken
At the new endocrinologist's waiting to be seen.
Back at work. Happy to be here.
Not bad, thanks. A little stuffy, a little chest pain, both somewhat expected. Seeing the new endocrinologist at 2:30, so roughly 3 hours or so to go. I get to rassle with new tech toys when I get home later. :) - teleken
I got a big Dutch dude. My first endocrinologist was an insanely, impossibly hot Russian brunette though. :) - teleken
Yeowsah. Actually doesn't feel that bad.
Shorts and t-shirt weather. Looks nice :) - Eivind
How are YOU feeling? - Melly #FForever
Doing ok, thanks - been off the Tapazol since Friday when they flushed it out of my system, so my thyroid gland is calming down. The sinus infection is still there, and without decongestants, it's a little uncomfortable, but manageable. HUGELY grateful I'm able to see an endocrinologist tomorrow and work on getting back to normal, and my appetite is back, which means I'm no longer as weak as I was. Friday was honestly the most frightening day I've had in my adult life. - teleken
Great to hear your progress :) - WoH: Professor MOTHRA
Did I mention to y'all in the midst of all this craziness my name got pulled out of a hat on Friday night at our annual holiday party and I won $1000, taxes paid? Apparently about the same time I was getting flushed out with saline and the B-52s were getting ready to go on. It's been a good prize year for me, he types on the 2 week old iPad. :)
:) - Jenny H.
One really huge bummer resulting from the malnutrition/exhaustion of the last week - my hands/fingers are really weak. Nothing worse than being awake enough to play guitar without the finger strength to do so. :(
I'm sorry - Steve C, Team Marina
First cup of coffee I've had since last Wednesday. So, so good.
Good morning, FriendFeed. I'm actually feeling a little better today, more of an appetite and less fatigued. Made the very conscious and deliberate decision after this debacle, I'm firing my primary care doc - throwing me on meds without ever checking my blood work properly was damned irresponsible at best and was potentially life-threatening....
Glad you're feeling better, Ken. - Stephen Mack
I have NEVER been more happy to take in calories. - teleken
O HAI FFeed. Was admitted to the ER then subsequently discharged from the ER last night about midnight. An overprescription of Tapazol has turned my hyperthyroidism into hypothyroidism. Results include extreme fatigue, loss of appetite, sensitivity to cold. Right now, simply praying I'll remain employed.
Oh no! I hope everything gets straightened out soon! - Katy S
Good God! - #cryptic
Trying to move around a bit and see if that helps me feel any better. I've been awake on and off since 0330 and I can only doze so much.
:( How are you today? - LB ❤s FF, esp. YOU
So frustrated right now. Turns out I should never have been taking Sudafed as I have thyroid disease. Woke up at 3 AM to a very swollen thyroid gland which made it feel like I was choking. Called and reached the on-call doc and now, waiting for a call back from my doc's assistants.
:( - Jenny H.
dang. hope you are cared for soon! - t-ra is ugly crying
Back home from the ER. Good news is that there's nothing blocking my sinuses up. Lesson learned is that when an Urgent Care doc throws antibiotics and steroids at you at the same time, they really have no idea what they're actually treating. Antibiotics until they're done, plus Sudafed, plus a humidifier for my room and saline or a portable mist...
Almost passed out at the office this morning. Had originally planned to go back to Urgent Care - thought better of it and heading to the ER instead.
Dang! Take care of yourself! - LB ❤s FF, esp. YOU
Yay for some good news. Hope you get some good meds! - LB ❤s FF, esp. YOU
Near miss - this would have been the third workday out of the last 4 I would have skipped lunch had I not spoken up.
Napbomb went off. Only one casualty, and I didn't mind all that much. :)
Let's celebrate, InterTubes - I successfully slept almost 4 hours uninterrupted for the first time in over a month. *snoopydances*
Suffix with "in bed" of course - don't blame the messenger; I didn't come up with that rule. :)
I didn't come up with that rule in bed? - Big Joe Silenced
I've been looking around here for 3 years and Siri found me Chinese take-out! This could be the beginning of something beautiful... :)