Kelly W.

video-game playing, indie-music-loving, wine-drinking, geeky, gadget-whoring mom.
Florida city denies church permit for 9/11 Quran burning -
Salmonella Recall News - ABC News -
At Ground Zero, the proposed mosque is not the only controversy -
Mandatory FM Radios in Phones? No Way, Says CEA | Gadget Lab | -
"Music labels and radio broadcasters can’t agree on much, including whether radio should be forced to turn over hundreds of millions of dollars a year to pay for the music it plays. But the two sides can agree on this: Congress should mandate that FM radio receivers be built into cell phones, PDAs, and other portable electronics." - Kelly W.
don't you like/love legalized lobbying in Congress/Senate/etc ? ;) - piikummitus
Deadly Whooping Cough, Once Wiped Out, Is Back : NPR -
California is in the midst of its worst outbreak of whooping cough in a half-century. More than 2,700 cases have been reported so far this year — eight times last year's number at this point. Seven of the victims, all infants, have died. - Kelly W.
The California epidemic has raised plenty of questions about the role of vaccination and the increasing numbers of parents who decide not to vaccinate their children. California's Department of Public Health cites three schools in the state where 80 percent of parents have signed a "personal belief exemption" to keep their children from being vaccinated. - Kelly W.
In fact, Karp estimates that 75 percent to 90 percent of whooping cough cases occur in teenagers and adults, for whom it is not deadly. Most adults may experience only a lingering cough. The danger occurs when adults and teenagers — whose immunity wanes around 12 years old — contract whooping cough and unwittingly give it to infants. - Kelly W.
Someone at the wife's job had this and kept bringing her dumb ass back to work just to be put out again by her boss, who did so wearing a mask. Never mind that my wife sits like 6ft away and didn't even know what was going on until later. - Rahsheen
Friday the 13th is still better than ANY Monday....just sayin'
Me before my coffee in the A.M. Good morning FF!
that's right, angry AND upside down! - Kelly W.
hanging out @ the science museum one last time before school starts next week
Jamming out to some Arcade Fire
New law, e-books and rentals may make college textbooks less costly - -
A new federal law requires publishers to provide textbook price information to professors and calls on colleges to identify course textbooks during registration, giving students more time to shop around. Experts call it a step in the right direction, but not a game-changer. - Kelly W.
Just got some fresh dandelion greens in with my produce delivery. Think I'll use some in the salad tonight and the rest tomorrow using this recipe:
Cooked carrot and hamburger helper, a meal made specifically for my 5 year old who eats the carrots and cries about the hamburger helper. I can't win.
Mmm coconut porter!
It was called Toasted Coconut Porter, I had it at the Mellow Mushroom while I was waiting for our pizza, but it was way more toasted and porter than coconut. Still rather tasty regardless. - Kelly W.
<3 Mellow Mushroom! - rowlikeagirl
Wow. The most screwed up misspelling of my name ever. - Rahsheen
Oh Nos! The wine glass is empty!
Gah! embedded video really screws up my FF stream!
:( - AJ Batac
So my pork tenderloin was a great meal in itself with fresh green beans and fruit salad. Then it became awesome Cuban sandwiches grilled with some cheese, mustard and pickles, the last of it fed us again as pork fajitas. Next time I'll remember to take pictures.
So I have to admit, SC2 is pretty friggin' awesome.
So my husband's yahoo account (that he rarely uses) was hacked. Which we found out when I got some spam from that account. This seems to be happening to a lot of people lately.
Not good - Scoble, Alex Scoble
He actually just disabled the account since he rarely uses it-luckily, he doesn't store any contact information on that account. It's worrisome because both of us are techie (he runs websites and mail servers) and neither of us are exactly sure how it was compromised. I'm assuming it was some bot that was able to figure out his password since he has probably never changed it. - Kelly W.
Annoyed with my passive-aggressive dog that decides to whine at me after she peed on the floor. >.<
Gonna go check the TV and see if anything interesting has decided to pop up on it--my guess is I'll be back in 15.
so nothing interesting was on, but the couch pulled me into a much needed slumber. - Kelly W.
3 people commented on my Blizz Con shirt today: one was an ex-gamer, one was a developer, and the girl at Starbucks thought it was "pretty."
I found it odd that anyone would comment on it at all... - Kelly W.
I think Nathalie and her husband are going to that this autumn - RAPatton
AP MOBILE: On Facebook, wife learns of husband's 2nd wedding
A story from AP Mobile: On Facebook, wife learns of husband's 2nd wedding Download the free AP Mobile app for your iPhone from the App Store today! - Kelly W.
How do you like your 5 Guys Burger?
I like mine with grilled onions, mushrooms, and A-1 - Kelly W.
Plain with A1 - RAPatton
Paid for by someone else - Josh Haley
eaten - Alex Scrivener
Well it's official: I'm a grad student AND employed!
I got my both my acceptance letter and contract this week! - Kelly W.
Congratulations!!! - rowlikeagirl
Free OJ @ the FL welcome center!
Local food trend helps more folks eat fresh fruits, veggies - -
"The "local" movement — buying and eating food produced locally rather than shipped from thousands of miles away — has been gaining steam with the steady growth of farmers markets and a phenomenon called community-supported agriculture. CSA members purchase shares of a farmer's crop for the season. The government doesn't track the numbers, but Local Harvest, a nationwide directory of small farms, farmers markets and other local food sources, estimates that tens of thousands of American families belong to CSAs, and supply trails demand. The number registered with Local Harvest alone indicates how quickly CSAs have multiplied over the past decade: The directory's listing has increased from 374 farms in 2000 to 3,660 today." - Kelly W.
Hubby is home but in a lot of pain from the procedure, looks like he'll need another hospital visit to remove the stint. If you've got any extra good mojo, please send it his way....
prayers are a coming - VALZONE#SCREWED
Poor guy! - RAPatton
Hey there little guy!
Is that a baby Ninja Turtle? - Anika
don't know about the ninja, but i do think i will name him Raphael. :-) - Kelly W.
His head is starting to poke out!
What is it? - Shey
more pictures to come! - Kelly W.
Borrowing some crocs for today's tubing trip, aren't they pretty?
hmm for some reason FF is not importing my pics from - Kelly W.