Daniel W. Crompton

Former Security Consultant. Developer with a love of Education, Mashups and Folksonomy. Serial Entrepreneur. (+31646783584) Tech @oplerno
Re: Hoogste tijd voor Nederlandse angel investors om kloten op hakblok te leggen [rant] - http://siliconcanals.nl/crowdfu...
"Doordat de Nederlandse angel niet te koop staat betekend het overigens dat het via je netwerk moet komen, je kun je immers niet bij "vreemde" angels aankloppen. Dat is in mijn ervaring doorgaans beter voor de relatie met een angel. Transparanties is overigens geen slechte zaak." - Daniel W. Crompton
Re: How to keep Rails questions from killing your productivity - Weissblog - http://www.justinweiss.com/blog...
"The thing I like most about Dash is you can open the page in your browser for later reference. And that you can download the StackOverflow items tagged with the subject you like." - Daniel W. Crompton
Re: The World’s Email Encryption Software Relies on One Guy, Who is Going Broke - http://www.propublica.org/article...
"In Adam Smith's time it was still quite common to brew beer at home, although not as common as 200 years earlier. The baker, who had an oven, would bake the bread of all people in the neighourhood. People would bring their bread to be baked communally. In the UK there were two kinds of slaughter-houses, private and public, which belonged to public authorities. In the public anybody could slaughter their own animals. The recipes weren't secret, and anybody could do it for themselves and did. In Adam Smith's time guilds were already falling out of favour, in The Wealth of Nations he himself was extremely critical of the guilds. And the year after he died guilds were abolished in France." - Daniel W. Crompton
Re: The World’s Email Encryption Software Relies on One Guy, Who is Going Broke - http://www.propublica.org/article...
"Do you mean to say you couldn't bake bread or slaughter animals at home without permission from the guild?" - Daniel W. Crompton
Re: The MOOC Hype Fades, in 3 Charts - http://chronicle.com/blogs...
"No need to apologies, I didn't take you comment to me as snarky. :)" - Daniel W. Crompton
Re: The World’s Email Encryption Software Relies on One Guy, Who is Going Broke - http://www.propublica.org/article...
"I don't disagree with you, I am a developer and almost all my software is free and open source. I get paid good of money for using the software, as the value is not in the software it's in the business and data that the users add, such as storing their exam results, their course content, or their course offering. If Facebook or Google were to open source their software, besides from some people running their own micro-Facebook or Google and public outcry about privacy, I doubt it would loose much money as the value is not in the software it's in the way Facebook leverages the software and the data. His issues stem not from him giving the source away for free, his issue stem from not not finding a sustainable business model which pays for him to give his software away for free." - Daniel W. Crompton
Re: The World’s Email Encryption Software Relies on One Guy, Who is Going Broke - http://www.propublica.org/article...
"Actually it's now going to make over $100k a year thanks Facebook and Stripe's pledge to each donate $50k a year. ;)" - Daniel W. Crompton
Re: The World’s Email Encryption Software Relies on One Guy, Who is Going Broke - http://www.propublica.org/article...
"Indeed GPG4Win and GnuPG are free to download and use. He was paid $170,000 by the German government, I hardly think you can call that gratis. He also offers technical support for a fee, this code is again released as free to use." - Daniel W. Crompton
Re: The World’s Email Encryption Software Relies on One Guy, Who is Going Broke - http://www.propublica.org/article...
"In Adam Smiths time were open, anybody could become their own butcher, brewer or baker. The information was free to use for your own purposes." - Daniel W. Crompton
Re: The World’s Email Encryption Software Relies on One Guy, Who is Going Broke - http://www.propublica.org/article...
"It's not free as in gratis, as RMS likes to say, it's free as in freedom. You are free to change the code and use it in ways not originally intended. You are even free to sell it, as long as you preserve the freedom of the software, meaning the source must be open. Neither the butcher, the brewer, or the baker use a proprietary closed technique so you can take their techniques and apply them without giving them money." - Daniel W. Crompton
Re: The MOOC Hype Fades, in 3 Charts - http://chronicle.com/blogs...
"Wasn't trying to make a case, your comment piqued my interest and prompted me to investigate. And I do accept Wikipedia as a source, as long as there are citations." - Daniel W. Crompton
Re: The MOOC Hype Fades, in 3 Charts - http://chronicle.com/blogs...
"I've only found one. Fifteenth-century abbot Johannes Trithemius, if you were to accept vehement protest in the form of book writing as fighting." - Daniel W. Crompton
Re: The MOOC Hype Fades, in 3 Charts - http://chronicle.com/blogs...
"Correct me if I'm wrong and the middle ages span from from 500 AD – 1500. Johann Gutenberg was born ca 1400 and died 1468. And invented the printing press in 1445, at the end of the middle ages." - Daniel W. Crompton
Re: Get Rid of Your Admin Gem - http://rubyjunky.com/get-rid...
"I like ActiveAdmin and the Arbre DSL, it's reasonably simple to use and easy to create pages. Where there is pain it is in trying to extend it, and the lack of documentation for extending. I recently wrote an extension to create an ical option for download_links. It took a bit of time to finally discover that need to be extended ResourceDSL, Resource and ResourceController." - Daniel W. Crompton
Re: 10 Must-Read Books for Anyone Who Does Customer Service (Enter to Win Them All!) - https://www.groovehq.com/support...
"Thanks for the list!" - Daniel W. Crompton
Some of the pictures I took at the #31c3 Lightning Talks - https://plus.google.com/+webhat...
Some of the pictures I took at the #31c3 Lightning Talks Album: #31c3 - Daniel W. Crompton
Re: How Diabetes Patients Are Hacking Together DIY Bionic Pancreases - http://www.wired.com/2014...
"According to my edition of Websters: Hack \Hack\, v. t. 2. To use frequently and indiscriminately, so as to render trite and commonplace." - Daniel W. Crompton
Re: ReadingThe Diverse Teamby Ashe Dryden - http://leanpub.com/the-div...
"I just noticed that most of the comments are from about a year ago. Is there any update on the publish date?" - Daniel W. Crompton
Re: Holvi wants to build an online bank for SMEs and freelancers: A Q&A with CEO Johan Lorenzen - http://on.tech.eu/1yH8Epd...
"Registered my account, you just need to say you are located in Finland and you can create the account." - Daniel W. Crompton
Sweet! I am now +webhat on Google! Try it: https://google.com/+webhat - https://plus.google.com/+webhat...
Sweet! I am now +webhat on Google! Try it: https://google.com/+webhat Werkt bij Oplerno als Consultant. Woont in Amsterdam, Netherlands. Amsterdam based Former Security Consultant. Developer with a love of Mashups and Folksonomy. Serial Entrepreneur. (+31646783584) - Daniel W. Crompton
Reshared post from TED: - https://plus.google.com/+webhat...
Want to innovate? Become a "now-ist!""Education is what people do to you, and learning is what you do to yourself." Original Post from TED: "Education is what people do to you, and learning is what you do to yourself." “Remember before the internet?” asks Joi Ito. “Remember when people used to try to predict the future?” In this engaging talk, the head of the MIT Media Lab skips the future predictions and instead shares a new approach to creating in the moment: building quickly and improving constantly, without waiting for permission or for proof that you have the right idea. This kind of bottom-up innovation is seen in the most fascinating, futuristic projects... - Daniel W. Crompton
Restricted From Following This is something I hadn't come across yet, it says that I'm restricted from... - https://plus.google.com/+webhat...
Restricted From Following This is something I hadn't come across yet, it says that I'm restricted from following somebody who follows me. Who can shed light on this? Take A Walk On The Wild Side With This Sex-Work Memoir! - [email protected] - Gmail-1.png - Daniel W. Crompton
Coding & Cocktails Meet awesome people. Sip on some one-of-a-kind designer cocktails & learn the basics... - https://plus.google.com/+webhat...
Coding & Cocktails Meet awesome people. Sip on some one-of-a-kind designer cocktails & learn the basics of HTML & CSS to build your own personal landing page in one fun-filled evening! Friday November 28th at ZEEF HQ in Amsterdam from 18-21h - Daniel W. Crompton
Reshared post from Wayne Radinsky: - https://plus.google.com/+webhat...
Drug Unlocks Malleable, Fast-Learning, Child-LIke State In Adult Brainvia +Adam Black Original Post from Wayne Radinsky: A way to revert the adult brain to the "plastic", child-like state that enables fast learning by being able to form new connections quickly has been found. A protein expressed in brain cells called PirB in animals and LilrB2 in humans stabilizes neural connections to protect against loss of learned skills or information, and using a molecule called an ectodomain can interfere with its functioning enabling the more "plastic" fast-learning state to return. Ectodomains are membrane protein that normally extend extends through the membrane of a cell into the extracellular space outside the cell. Professor Carla Shatz of Stanford University and her colleagues have discovered a way to revert an adult brain to the “plastic”, child-like state that is more able to form new connections quickly. The technical term “plastic” implies the ability to adapt or shape itself to new... - Daniel W. Crompton
The only way to do great work is to love what you do. –Steve Jobs
Masque Attack is the latest bug affecting iOS devices - http://pando.com/2014...
RT @garybernhardt: Small UI differences don't matter so much in graphical tools, which come and go with fads. Almost no one spends twenty years mastering them.
RT @podehaye: "Lecturer call for clarity in use of learning analytics" http://www.timeshighereducation.co.uk/news...
This one weird chart will explain everything you need to know about clickbait - http://pando.com/2014... https://twitter.com/webhat...
RT @johl: The Random Darknet Shopper is an automated shopping bot for the Darknet with a budget of $100 in Bitcoins per week https://t.co/yrK0bCAFnQ
RT @shelisrael: As Net Neutrality issue heats up, where have Google & Facebook gone? http://www.nytimes.com/2014...
Masque Attack is the latest bug affecting iOS devices - http://pando.com/2014...