Mark Kille

Librarian, even when I'm not. You know how it goes.
Shameless plea: Librarian colleague is working on a reference question, "Looking for an account of a trip a British writer took on a freighter out of Basra. The writer recently died." We are ge-stumped.
my first question is: what part of the question is wrong? Basra? Freighter? British? writer? #NotHelpful - Stephan!e•CogSc!L!brar!an
Thanks everyone! We are also thinking it might be Gavin Young. -- - Mark Kille
I love my coworkers: "Here are somewhat blurry photos and a short video of our D&D session for marketing purposes. This was more interactive than waiting for the Dungeon Master to control the map using a laptop and ceiling mounted projector. The next step is to build a table which...
...the monitor can be embedded into. The touchscreen stood up well to pewter figurines and pizza fingers." - Mark Kille
Now that everybody at work knows, I can be public about it: starting in July, I will be working part-time at the Central Library in downtown Portland. I'll be a library assistant in Information Services. (Free Geek has kindly accommodated my proposal for a reduced schedule, so I get to keep doing both, which I am very pleased and relieved about;...
Double-monitored at work now! Efficiency will actually legitimately increase. Of course, first order of business: live octopus cam on full-screen to accompany regular work.
I work at a place called "Free Geek." We do computer reuse and recycling. WHY AM I COVERED IN FLOUR?
Cream sherry: strong enough to make green tea mixed with white wine sound like a good idea. Happy new year!
New blog post: "On the cultivation of virtue." -- http://contemplativelibrarian....
New blog post: "Thoughts on staff development and succession planning" -- http://contemplativelibrarian....
Interesting as an anecdote about decentralized decision-making on a large scale (standard disclaimers about the plural of anecdote not being data apply): "Something Has to Give: Accreditation Crisis Hits City College of San Francisco" --
"City College has only 39 administrators, according to the San Francisco Chronicle, which broke the news about the commission’s report. The college employs more than 1,800 faculty members. The result is a cumbersome, sluggish planning process, according to the commission, which has been made worse by the budget crisis." - Mark Kille
New blog post: "Do librarians need a boss?" -- http://contemplativelibrarian....
mm. dude who's running the IR now is the living paradigm of your #4 fireable. - RepoRat
Ellbeecee, #3 is definitely super painful. I personally see #4 working as a corrective response to #3, which is one reason I think of it as "most important"--but I also personally suffer more in #3 situations than #4, because I can route around slackers but not around gridlock. - Mark Kille
"NLRB Takes Sledgehammer to Social Media Policies" --
Good. - barbara fister
"Score One for the Robo-Tutors" --
Breaking news: robotically-taught students will score just as high on already-roboticized assessments as their peers? - Marianne
That, or statistics as a subject lends itself well to that kind of instruction... - Mark Kille
Ask LifeHacker: "Do I Really Need To Encrypt Every File on My Computer?" --
I finished the third Hunger Games book last night. I think what impressed me most is that the author chose to make the one thing happen that makes it impossible for the main character to ever answer the question, "Was it all worth it?" Which leaves the reader also not answering it--or answering it for her, putting us in the same position as all...
This is so completely me when I play games. --
This may be the single most tempting library job I've ever seen, for all the many layers of meaning that "temptation" can have. --
I dunno, that job description reads like "fall guy/gal so the director can have a shiny image" to me. Maybe I'm too cynical. - RepoRat
Also tempting: How Catherine described it, I grew up in the RDU area, and I wouldn't be taking sides in UNC vs, Duke. I'm not leaving Portland, but still, sometimes it tugs at me when I see things like this. - Mark Kille
I like having empathetic and observant co-workers, but it's weird to be stopped in the hall by someone asking if I'm okay.
Are you ok? - Kirsten loves you
Mostly. :) - Mark Kille
I didn't know until this morning that peppermint schnapps was so high on my list of things I really, really don't want the bus stop to smell like.
Highlight of the day: accessing store camera footage to identify the man who may have tried to run off with someone's donated laptops.
Today I had saltines for breakfast and a donut for lunch. I think I went so far away from nutritious, I circled back to a healthy, balanced diet.
I wish I knew why days off make me more tired than working days.
has an unusually needy cat this morning. She's brought me three socks, climbed in my lap, and licked my hand.
I have two statements that require "authoritative sources" to support them. With mild shame, I ask if anyone has good candidates that they know off the top of their head, since I am used to them as just common knowledge. (Alternatively, if you disagree with one or both, that would be helpful too.)
"Defining the significance of local ownership and the meaning of local ownership in an environment of hosted content and services adds more issues to be addressed, especially given the increasing reliance on peer-reviewed journal articles in undergraduate research." - Mark Kille
Yeah, it's very explicitly only about academic libraries. Academic libraries supporting undergraduate degree programs, even more narrowly. Thanks for the suggestions! - Mark Kille
Shorter Phil Davis: "Blame weak-willed librarians for the serials crisis, not publishers." --
Excellent translation. - barbara fister
Or, buy the same number of horses, and they go up in price. What is an OA horse? - Back to just Joe
Working on a book chapter revision where I'm a second author. The most common criticisms the reviewers had for my sections were wordiness and being judgmental. I'll cop to the first--I was trained as a humanist. And I can always edit down. But I'm honestly puzzled as to how I should offer critique without making judgments.
We're just supposed to play nice and say nice things with everyone? Happy critiques only? - Hedgehog
Definitely ask for clarifying info and sample text. I gave notes for tone to an author, and was happy to edit some of the text to show how I recommended the sections be changed. Like Barbara, I immediately thought of tone, rather than argument. - kaijsa
New blog post: "Why I don't want to be a library director anymore." -- http://contemplativelibrarian....
On behalf of a friend: "Okay, people who know stuff: if a friend of mine was looking to donate a large-ish collection of good-condition vintage SF, what libraries have the sorts of collections that might want such a thing?"
That depends entirely on where he lives. In southern Ontario, I'd say the Toronto Public Library. - DJF
Thanks for the good suggestions, everybody! - Mark Kille
My son's Lego robotics team made it into the school paper... --
I want to be on a Lego robotics team. - Eivind
New blog post: "Would you look at that? It's a new year already." -- http://contemplativelibrarian....
Congratulations! - Marianne
thanks, everyone! - Mark Kille