On behalf of a friend: "Okay, people who know stuff: if a friend of mine was looking to donate a large-ish collection of good-condition vintage SF, what libraries have the sorts of collections that might want such a thing?"
liked this
That depends entirely on where he lives. In southern Ontario, I'd say the Toronto Public Library.
A Google search for "science fiction library collections" without the quotes will bring up a number of them, too.
- Ell Bee, See?
Toronto Public Library and University of Calgary have the two largest collections in the world. Toronto's is bigger, while Calgary's is more along the lines of vintage periodical speculative fiction.
- Soup in a TARDIS
If said friend is in the States, there's the Browne Popular Culture Library at Bowling Green State University in Ohio: http://www.bgsu.edu/college...
- Katie
What about the EMP in Seattle?
- Holly's favorite Anna
Thanks for the good suggestions, everybody!
- Mark Kille