Food bank Britain: 'I didn't ask to be ill' | Society | The Guardian -
Sep 19, 2013
Now this crap is spreading from the US to the UK. I know that it might not be that simple, but some of the UK policies have clearly been inspired by the cruel US system. People were in an uproar over the adoption of food stamps in the UK instead of emergency loans of cash. All the political crap and environmental problems, etc. are truly global now. The people in power float around above us all, policies in one country influence policies in another. We can't afford to be ignorant of what's going on. But it's so hard to pick out the signal from the noise sometimes.
- Kamilah Reed (K. Gill)
Not to minimize how awful it is, but just from the first paragraph, I think if this guy lived in the U.S., he'd be dead, because they would've cut off his health insurance as soon as he stopped working.
- Victor Ganata