Mindlessly Gutting Food Stamps - NYTimes.com - This makes me so furious that my head is about to explode. I've been fortunate enough to never need food stamps myself, but I understand the importance of them. LET PEOPLE EAT. When is enough going to be enough? When will we stop being distracted and have a revolution? - http://www.nytimes.com/2013...
"Among the many scars of the recession, the most intolerable should be the pangs of chronic hunger that still assail a stunning 14.5 percent of the nation’s households, according to the Department of Agriculture’s latest survey. A decade ago, the figure was 11 percent — a group defined as regularly suffering food “insecurity,” or having 26 percent less to spend on food than households not going hungry. The survey shows that food insecurity rose with the recession and has remained stubbornly high." - Kamilah Reed (K. Gill)
"The measure’s “work requirements” provide no job training funds yet mandate that able-bodied, childless adults who cannot find at least part-time employment will lose their food stamps after 90 days, even if the local unemployment rate is prohibitively high." - Kamilah Reed (K. Gill)
This makes me sick to my stomach. This is happening in *America*, people. "Parents told of how they must regularly skip meals to feed their children and hunt game when the food stamp allotment falls short of monthly needs." I wish that the people proposing these cuts could just suffer true hunger for one day in their worthless, overprivileged lives. Bunch of revolting bastards. I need to figure out some action to take. I can't stand all this nonsense anymore. - Kamilah Reed (K. Gill)
Every time I read or hear coverage of this, I want to scream. (My best friend uses food stamps.) - laura x
The callousness on display in the GOP caucus is remarkable. - John (bird whisperer)
This makes me fucking furious. When I was little, we received food stamps for a short time. Later, my mom worked in the food stamp office as a caseworker. We know that people abuse the system, but this bill will hurt people who genuinely need help. - Jed
It's not just going to hurt people that need them right now, to be able to eat. It will also lead to a loss of jobs, from supermarket cashiers right down the whole line to those that stock shelves and work in warehouse distribution centers (maybe even further). And that loss of jobs will mean more people needing Food Stamps to keep from going hungry. - April Russo (FForever!)
I cannot believe that they passed this horrific bill. http://www.nytimes.com/2013... Is the revolution coming now? Or do more people have to feel the pain directly to even care??? They have just tried to inflict so much anguish on already suffering people. I feel my bile rising. My course of action for today was to follow local food banks and urban farms on Facebook and Twitter, and I plan to start going to farmers markets to get better acquainted with the local food sources. I want to know how to take care of myself, my friends and family, and learn enough to maybe teach others how to really make food. Might just have to leave altogether, with all the guns floating around with desperate hungry people. Where we'll go, I'm not sure. - Kamilah Reed (K. Gill)