Kamilah Reed (K. Gill)

I'm an artist. View and purchase my work at http://kgillart.blogspot.com/ and http://www.etsy.com/shop/KGillArt I'm married to Harold :)
Art by K. Gill: 10-10-13. Iron Man serving doner kebab, or shawarma. - http://kgillart.blogspot.com/2013...
Christopher Columbus was awful (but this other guy was not) - The Oatmeal - Long read (I admit that I skimmed it), but, yeah, to the basic gist of it. - http://theoatmeal.com/comics...
Art by K. Gill: 10-09-13. Girl on a pogo stick. - http://kgillart.blogspot.com/2013...
Art by K. Gill: "Hortensie (522)", oil on canvas, 24x24 in. For sale on Etsy, $200. http://etsy.me/17odjKY - http://kgillart.blogspot.com/2013...
A vivid vermilion caracal sits among hydrangea blooms. I call her Hortensie. There are three layers to the painting. The blue hydrangea was a real silk hydrangea sitting in front of me while I painted. The caracal was my drawing from a photo in a library book. The background was my drawing of a still image from a Vine video that I made of cut hydrangeas for sale at my local Trader Joe's store. - Kamilah Reed (K. Gill)
I use randomizers to select my subjects and colors. My main color was Hortensie, a shade of light blue and color # 522 in Naomi Kuno's Colorscape book. My secondary color was vermilion. The Hortensie color name provided one of my subjects; "hortensie" is the German word for "hydrangea". My other randomly selected topic was African wildlife. When I studied African wildlife books, I liked the lesser-known caracal (Latin name Caracal caracal, nice and easy to remember...). Caracals are not superstars like lions, leopards and cheetahs, but they have a very distinct and memorable appearance with their flamboyant, lynx-like ear tufts. - Kamilah Reed (K. Gill)
Art by K. Gill: 10-06-13. Man in purple jumper, a 2010 painting by Australian artist Peter Booth. - http://kgillart.blogspot.com/2013...
Statement from Godspeed You! Black Emperor on Polaris | Constellation Records - I'm unsure of the full context of this response to their Canadian prize nomination but wow, this sounds pretty good, at least at 3 am Indiana time. (burning midnight oil doing srs art research. this is how it happens.) - http://cstrecords.com/stateme...
"3 quick bullet-points that almost anybody could agree on maybe= -holding a gala during a time of austerity and normalized decline is a weird thing to do. -organizing a gala just so musicians can compete against each other for a novelty-sized cheque doesn’t serve the cause of righteous music at all. -asking the toyota motor company to help cover the tab for that gala, during a summer where the melting northern ice caps are live-streaming on the internet, IS FUCKING INSANE, and comes across as tone-deaf to the current horrifying malaise." - Kamilah Reed (K. Gill)
My first real Northern Lights film - http://vimeo.com/49847218
Art by K. Gill: 10-05-13. Our travel thermometer. - http://kgillart.blogspot.com/2013...
Art by K. Gill: 10-04-13. Inside our freezer. - http://kgillart.blogspot.com/2013...
No, you will never have skyscrapers with trees on them - http://io9.com/no-you-...
"There are plenty of scientific reasons why skyscrapers don’t—and probably won’t—have trees, at least not to the heights which many architects propose. Life sucks up there. For you, for me, for trees, and just about everything else except peregrine falcons. It’s hot, cold, windy, the rain lashes at you, and the snow and sleet pelt you at high velocity. Life for city trees is hard enough on the ground. I can’t imagine what it’s like at 500 feet, where nearly every climate variable is more extreme than at street level." - Kamilah Reed (K. Gill)
They've been pushing this idea for a decade. It makes no sense. - Akiva
Art by K. Gill: 10-03-13. Our family room couch is covered with stuff. - http://kgillart.blogspot.com/2013...
You draw gooder - Mo Kargas
Why, thank you. - Kamilah Reed (K. Gill)
Art by K. Gill: 10-02-13. "Helmet Head No. 3", a 1960 sculpture by Henry Moore. - http://kgillart.blogspot.com/2013...
Art by K. Gill: 10-01-13. "Pale Blue Dachshund", a 2011 sculpture by William Sweetlove. - http://kgillart.blogspot.com/2013...
Art by K. Gill: 09-30-13. A 1972 Fisher-Price houseboat. - http://kgillart.blogspot.com/2013...
Hmm it looked different when De Niro was on it in Cape Fear. - Steve C, Team Marina
pretty sure i had this back in the early 70s. loved it. - Big Joe Silenced
Art by K. Gill: 09-29-13. The cover of my passport. - http://kgillart.blogspot.com/2013...
Art by K. Gill: 09-28-13. A woodcut from "Tectonic Plates", a 2010 exhibit by New Zealand artist Sheyne Tuffery. - http://kgillart.blogspot.com/2013...
Art by K. Gill: 09-27-13. Nude man with a Hula-Hoop during a 2013 performance in NYC. - http://kgillart.blogspot.com/2013...
Art by K. Gill: 09-25-13. "Cleats", a 2010 sculpture by Rachel Owens. - http://kgillart.blogspot.com/2013...
皂帽花 Dasymaschalon trichophorum Merr. 中国植物图像库 - http://www.plantphoto.cn/tu...
A very bizarre sort of Chinese plant with fruits that look like strings of beads. I couldn't find much information in English with a quick Google search, but I found out that the genus is in the family Annonaceae, or the custard apple family. Custard apples are related to cherimoya fruits, which look a little like tightly closed artichokes. Nothing at all like these strings of beads. - Kamilah Reed (K. Gill)
Art by K. Gill: 09-23-13. Jacks. - http://kgillart.blogspot.com/2013...
Ohh i like that one - Steve C, Team Marina
Art by K. Gill: 09-22-13. Martha Rosler thrusting a rolling pin in her 1975 video "Semiotics of the Kitchen". - http://kgillart.blogspot.com/2013...
Art by K. Gill: 09-21-13. Maxwell's rubber duckie. - http://kgillart.blogspot.com/2013...
Art by K. Gill: 09-19-13. A Yamaha SHS-10 keytar like the one we got for Christmas in the 1980s. - http://kgillart.blogspot.com/2013...
On the Edge of Poverty, at the Center of a Debate on Food Stamps - NYTimes.com - http://www.nytimes.com/2013...
This article has more of the American commenters. More outrage about this shameful situation. I'm deeply troubled by all of this. Several problems that have been knocking around in my mind finally came to a head when I heard about the proposed food stamp cuts. Donating to and volunteering at food banks is just one part of the solution in my mind. - Kamilah Reed (K. Gill)
I want to go deeper. To the point of growing food. Not just gardening for fun but really making food available in a serious way. Pretty much farming. I've thought about this before, but this is becoming more urgent, I realize. I've been disheartened by a report I listened to on NPR about how hard it is to get any help with becoming a small farmer. All the subsidies are helping giant corn and soybean farms and factory production of meat. We are really and truly screwing ourselves. - Kamilah Reed (K. Gill)
Food bank Britain: 'I didn't ask to be ill' | Society | The Guardian - http://www.theguardian.com/society...
Now this crap is spreading from the US to the UK. I know that it might not be that simple, but some of the UK policies have clearly been inspired by the cruel US system. People were in an uproar over the adoption of food stamps in the UK instead of emergency loans of cash. All the political crap and environmental problems, etc. are truly global now. The people in power float around above us all, policies in one country influence policies in another. We can't afford to be ignorant of what's going on. But it's so hard to pick out the signal from the noise sometimes. - Kamilah Reed (K. Gill)
Not to minimize how awful it is, but just from the first paragraph, I think if this guy lived in the U.S., he'd be dead, because they would've cut off his health insurance as soon as he stopped working. - Victor Ganata
On a more peaceful and pleasant note than my previous post, Pandora just made an appropriate choice of Brian Eno's Thursday Afternoon ambient album. It's soothing both mama and baby right now. Maxwell is napping and I'm just trying to relax a bit. - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
I'm distracting myself for a short time, but my fury about the proposed food stamp cuts is still there. I have to think some more about what to do. - Kamilah Reed (K. Gill)