Statement from Godspeed You! Black Emperor on Polaris | Constellation Records - I'm unsure of the full context of this response to their Canadian prize nomination but wow, this sounds pretty good, at least at 3 am Indiana time. (burning midnight oil doing srs art research. this is how it happens.) -
"3 quick bullet-points that almost anybody could agree on maybe= -holding a gala during a time of austerity and normalized decline is a weird thing to do. -organizing a gala just so musicians can compete against each other for a novelty-sized cheque doesn’t serve the cause of righteous music at all. -asking the toyota motor company to help cover the tab for that gala, during a summer where the melting northern ice caps are live-streaming on the internet, IS FUCKING INSANE, and comes across as tone-deaf to the current horrifying malaise." - Kamilah Reed (K. Gill)