Josh Haley

...and I'm a Mormon.
#yoyo You're Only Young Once
Antepenultimate's accent is on the antepenultimate syllable. Syllable's is, too.
Have you tried propreantepenultimate on for size? - Micah
Thinking about it. - Josh Haley
RT @joshromney: Hey @SenatorReid here's a shot of @MittRomney paying taxes. Does it every year. It's how you get your paycheck.
RT @ldschurch: "Blame keeps wounds open. Only forgiveness heals." #PresMonson #ldsconf
There are a handful of things I love about California and I forgot them all.
Let me list a few........ uh...... so...... okay, you got me there. Wait! - California rolls. - Micah
^------yep - Josh Haley
v=dQw4w9WgXcQ yep
RT @hollywillnot: I imagine President Uchtdorf making happy finger guns at himself in the mirror every morning after he finishes styling his hair. #ldsconf
Could be pretty cool. The time travel movie 12 Monkeys is becoming a TV show in 2015
*intrigued* - Stephen Mack
Thank goodness its on Syfy and not something like Fox. - Chris Topher
RT @jessicard: vim, I can't quit you. no literally, how do i quit vim
Change energizing switch from Position "I" to Position "0". - That's So CAJ!
"@DLoesch: For those who asked, I use Chrome and Safari. IE is the Creed of browsers." Oh snap.
Yeah, but which one is Nickelback? - That's So CAJ!
RT @nathanfillion: "@joyh351: @NathanFillion 3 things your Mom was right about?" Be kind to everyone on the way up. They're the same people on your way down.
RT @dloesch: "Wait. I can’t Internet using this browser until I know the personal beliefs of that browser’s employees" said no sane person, ever.
I tore up that creamy Sriracha @SUBWAY sandwich at lunch today. Now it's his turn. #nothappyanymore
RT @nathanfillion: "@venturousbiker: @NathanFillion can you name my pet chicken for me?" Cattitore.
RT @nathanfillion: "@GuppyITO: Best tip for seeing both forest and trees?" Spectate and participate at the same time. I call it specticipation.
RT @nathanfillion: "@ayeniciforos: @NathanFillion do you like grilled cheese?" What am I? An asshole?!
If Superman Had Turned Up In 'Gravity'
RT @nathanfillion: "@AlexisNiotta: @NathanFillion what was one thing you wish you could have done when doing firefly?" Season 7.
RT @nathanfillion: "@patty_rasmussen: @NathanFillion When in Rome___" "Try to ignore all the cigarette butts."
RT @nathanfillion: "@VivaVeronica122: @NathanFillion Where do babies come from?" Super special hugs.
RT @drewfromtv: Nothing :) RT @zachbraff: Nothing says, "I have Bronchitis," better than lying in bed watching "The Price is Right."
So, that's a No on the Beard? "@DLoesch: Amazing. Apparently me wanting our soldiers to be safe on bases = me being an Al Qaeda leader."
RT @thefoodbibie: Ice Cream Sandwich Cone
Yep, there you go. They have the fish ones at most of the Asian markets around here during the summer. - Jennifer Dittrich
Sometimes I think the pain Blows my mind Pain Blows my mind
Randall Stephenson: Unlock OUR Samsung Galaxy Note 3 Bootloader! via @Change
RT @drewkaredeskhou: Reports: 10 to 20 shots fired in post motor pool area, 3 victims hit & gunman at large #FortHoodShooting @KHOU #fthood
I hate most online forums. The format is not conducive to research, then all the regulars rip you a new one for not researching well enough.
True story. Aliens gave my cat a beard!
Thinking of creating a baseball team named "Away Baseball Season". #GOAwayBaseballSeason!
This just showed up on my Chromecast. I was like, hey, that's from @thomashawk ! :)
Leather Donut. - Akiva
Oh damn. I wiped that from memory. Let's try again. - Josh Haley