Ours - "elevator button and morning air" - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
it's one of my feelings. - dominic
<3 - Jessie
A marketing firm determined that, of 200 households surveyed, 80 used neither Brand A nor Brand B soap, 60 used only Brand A soap, and for every household that used both brands of soap, 3 used only Brand B soap. How many of the 200 households surveyed used both brands of soap? (A)15 (B)20 (C)30 (D)40 (E)45
anyone can help me? I am not sure if there is an answer in the question. - dominic
Thank you all. I got it now. I understand the descrpition of the ratio like this. - dominic
全家人使用 Apple 產品的結果! - Yahoo!奇摩3C科技 - http://tw.tech.yahoo.com/apple_m...
It's the daughter, son, mother and father's impression of Apple products! - dominic
LOL - Jessie
Does anybody have an MBA from an American university? Do you have any advice or recommendations? Thanks.
I have several friends that do. I can ask them for you. - Anika
I might know someone. I will check. :) - Rachel Lea Fox
Happy Birthday, Jessie! Thank you for a treasurable relationship like us (so far)!
Thanks to time zone, I am the first who posted it here! :-P - dominic
Thank you, 亲爱的!你这么甜! - Jessie
‪Return to Innocence-(the first picture is the singer, singing aboriginal song. Amis tribe.) - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
the aboriginal song (called Elders Drinking Song) is for drinking (alcohol) originally. the last picture showed the husband, the singer, and his wife, singer,too. The summary of the end of the video is that they met and fell in love with each other because of singing and passed away successively in 2002. - dominic
Thanks for the background about this song, Dominic! I think a lot of people know this song but not many know it's from a Taiwanese aboriginal tribe. Very interesting! - Jessie
‪return to innocence‬‏ - YouTube - http://www.youtube.com/results...
it has the wrong title. it's from Taiwan aboriginal, Amis. - dominic
YouTube - Can I be your friend? - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
it's interesting because the guy tries to use the way of online that we did in social networks like facebook into the real world! - dominic
oh. This is brilliant! love it! - Nathalie
臉書上說主管壞話 Google當抓耙子-Yahoo!奇摩新聞 - http://tw.news.yahoo.com/article...
@jessie, would you help me translate this news with summary? you can do it! - dominic
"Are you still badmouthing your boss on Facebook? Be careful Google doesn't let out all your secrets! Google has said it will launch a search function that searches your Google contacts and any comments they make on their public social networking accounts. For example, if you search a friend on Twitter, and he has five friends, you will see the comments on his five friends' accounts." - Jessie
"It's a return to the White Terror." - Jessie
FriendFeed 資訊追蹤、網摘聚合的即時閱讀平台(新版教學),掌握網路的流行脈動 | 電腦玩物 - http://playpcesor.blogspot.com/2008...
it's Chinese introduction for friendfeed from the user. - dominic
Great! - Jessie
YouTube - 2009 Taiwan Presentation(Taiwan History) - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
It's a short story of Taiwan. For me, it's one of perspectives of Taiwan's history. We have many perspectives in Taiwan! It's the Key Point! - dominic
:P - Jessie
These are more pictures from Green Island.
"這綠島像一隻船..." - Jessie
Like "prison break"? I like the TV series! - dominic
This is me with a deer from Taiwan's Green Island.
Awww the deer is smiling! - Jessie
walking lymes disease carrier - VALZONE#SCREWED
#namefacts In Chinese, many people have a two-character first name. Some Chinese families like to have all the children in the same generation use the same first character in their first name. So my name, my sister's name and all my cousins' names begin with "子."
I think this character was chosen from "a couplet or my family tree" written by one of my ancestors. I guess! - dominic
That is very cool! - Rachel Lea Fox
If you're able to see the genealogy program "Faces of America", they went to China to do some of Yo-Yo Ma's genealogy and I believe his family used the same naming convention. I can't remember how the character was chosen, I just remember that it was chosen far in advance and dictated to each generation. http://www.pbs.org/wnet... - Spidra Webster
So it's really one of Chinese old style or Chinese old tradition. - dominic
My English name is Dominic because my Chinese names has a "duh" sound in it. My mother said I could be either "Dominic" or "Douglas." I didn't want to be called "Douglas" because it sounds like "dog." That's why Dominic is here. #namefacts
I like the name Dominic (or Dominick). I've seriously considered that as a possible name for a future son. I'll have to ask Harold what he thinks of it. - Kamilah Reed (K. Gill)
YouTube - 台灣的心跳聲 Heartbeat of Taiwan (英文字幕 English subtitle) - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
It's the song with English subtitle. - dominic
Haha thank you! So I don't have to translate it :P - Jessie
YouTube 「台灣的心跳聲」MV- The Heartbeat Sound of Taiwan! - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
It's the song about Taiwan in EXPO 2010. I think Jessie have been to some places in this MV and can also translate the lyrics for all. :-) - dominic
hey i do like google video and voice chat now. it solved the problem of strange voices and bad connection about two operation system "between XP and Mac OS" for jessie and me!
Happy Chinese New Year's Day! hey it's also Valentine's Day on Feb. 14. 祝大家恭喜發財,新年快樂!
Happy New Year's to you, Dominic! - Anne Bouey
it's one of "super" resumes for being a filmmaker from Uruguay to Hollywood because of this. - dominic
YouTube - A New Way to Park Bicycles.. Hang them in a Bike Tree! - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
does it really save more space? or just "cool"? XD - dominic
It really does save more space. The amount saved by a single bike is minimal but the amount saved by a full "trees" worth built into a circle (I'm thinking footprint wise) is significant. Vertical hangs lose major points from me for their sheer unwieldiness however. We have them in my building (in a row formation, not a tree) and its just a huge pain in the butt getting bikes on and off the rack. - Soup in a TARDIS
Because they are vertical, not horizontal there should be some space saving but it probably is much more secure. - Brian Sullivan
thank you. you both are professional! - dominic
it's the subway "map" of London! - http://tw.news.yahoo.com/article...
it's useful, i think.XD - dominic
The "Hotelicopter" - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
did anyone see this ? - dominic
YouTube - 2009高雄世界運動會:海利/信:月亮代表我的心 - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
Jessie, I think your Chinese is better than her! :-) - dominic
YouTube - The World Games 2009 Kaohsiung:Hayley~Amazing Grace - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
it's one of the shows in the opening ceremony. - dominic
Pas de Deux Acrobatic - http://tw.youtube.com/watch...
Unbelievable! - dominic
Britain's dogs of war parachute from 25,000ft - http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol...
is it real? I think the picture is not real! - dominic
The picture isn't real; it's an idea of how it might look. But who knows if the story is real? - Anne Bouey
cardboard bike! - http://news.bbc.co.uk/1...
it costs about 30 US dollars. anybody wants to try? - dominic
Scientists find bugs that eat waste and excrete petrol - http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol...
maybe we can buy cheaper gas in the future. - dominic
Carbon-negative? Interesting! - Jim Norris
it's car wash but only for motorcycle. the size of motorcyle will not bigger than 150c.c. maybe i can try it because mine is 101c.c. ;-P - dominic
excellent - I'd like to try it on my lawn mower and Jessie's Hello Kitty tricycle - Jack Norris
yes, it's a good idea! i think they will be free for these two! - dominic
It's an English article about the flying man! - http://dsc.discovery.com/news...
thank you that Jessie helped me find this. - dominic
"to infinity - and beyond!" sorry, i felt like someone had to say it :-P - Jessie
it works out by a Swiss explorer! - dominic
Obviously, I can't understand this article, but I recognize the picture from an item I read earlier. Cool flight! - Anne Bouey