YouTube - A New Way to Park Bicycles.. Hang them in a Bike Tree! -
Aug 9, 2009
Soup in a TARDIS
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does it really save more space? or just "cool"? XD
- dominic
It really does save more space. The amount saved by a single bike is minimal but the amount saved by a full "trees" worth built into a circle (I'm thinking footprint wise) is significant. Vertical hangs lose major points from me for their sheer unwieldiness however. We have them in my building (in a row formation, not a tree) and its just a huge pain in the butt getting bikes on and off the rack.
- Soup in a TARDIS
Because they are vertical, not horizontal there should be some space saving but it probably is much more secure.
- Brian Sullivan
thank you. you both are professional!
- dominic