John (bird whisperer)

Horrible to think about yet perfectly descriptive.
Amazing Discovery: Nearly Extinct Bird Found Breeding in Japan | Extinction Countdown ... Bryan's Shearwater
Study says US protected lands aren’t where most biodiversity is found ... not enough protected land in the East
Study suggests urban birds have economic value
The tangled genetic history of chickens on Kauai
redwingjohnny: I Bearly Remember 3089 by Dr DAD (Daniel A D’Auria MD) on Flickr. -
I swear, "beary sad bear" is my mascot right now :/ - Jennifer Dittrich
Me too. :-( - John (bird whisperer)
10,000 Birds | Pine Warbler in Forest Park, Queens, New York
Bourbon, Bastards, and Birds.: A Shrike of Two Tails (***MEGA***) ... but which shrike is it?
I love the conclusion, "What do I think? I think birding is hard." - Jennifer Dittrich
After running 3+ hours, Victor's script ( is back to mid-February. I think this is going to take a while. :-P
I think it's mainly because there are so many Tumblr posts in my feed. - John (bird whisperer)
I might give it another shot with the updated version. I don't think that was my problem, though. - John (bird whisperer)
This is probably as good of a photo of a Ruby-crowned Kinglet as I'm likely to manage
Fox Sparrows are still around (and singing)
I know I can see people's favorites by going to Flickr, but I'm really going to miss these type of posts. - Jennifer Dittrich
That's a great aspect of these posts, too. - John (bird whisperer)
Golden-winged Warbler migration tracked from Illinois to Nicaragua via a geolocator
Anything Larus: Adult Kumlien's: Hammond
Florida men try to steal honey, get attacked by 30,000 bees
Awful, but somewhat appropriate. - Jennifer Dittrich
NOT THE BEES!! - Jessie
There's a reason beekeepers wear special suits. - John (bird whisperer)
Beneath California Crops, Groundwater Crisis Grows
I saw my FOY Chipping Sparrow this morning. Also, a Carolina Wren carrying nesting material.
Bug Eric: Springtime Tiger Beetles
Fly agaric - Amanita muscaria - Nina Valley beech forest, New Zealand. -
Neoliberalism is a governing rationality through which everything is “economized” and in a very specific way: human beings become market actors and nothing but, every field of activity is seen as a market, and every entity (whether public or private, whether person, business, or state) is governed as a firm. Importantly, this is not simply a... -
In which boob jobs, nose jobs and fitness obsession is reframed as rational market value enhancers. - Eivind
RT @wolfor7: Stocking the pantry for my next California trip? | Bighorn sheep reintroduced to Yosemite’s wilderness via @SFGate
RT @kiwifoto: Ruff (Philomachus pugnax) - normally found in Europe/Asia, this one ended up in San Pedro, CA, USA
I keep having trouble remembering that "uccello" means "bird."
I remember, but always try to spell it without the right number of c's and l's. - Jennifer Dittrich
The closest analogue I can think of is the German "Vogel." - John (bird whisperer)