After running 3+ hours, Victor's script ( is back to mid-February. I think this is going to take a while. :-P
I think it's mainly because there are so many Tumblr posts in my feed. - John (bird whisperer)
I think that's part of why I've debated deleting those services, but I really don't want to lose the posts with comments on them. I really should've started last night, since I can't do anything until after work today :( - Jennifer Dittrich
I ran Micah's script last night and got back to October 2014 before I accidentally killed it. I should have started running Victor's script a week or two ago, but I was intimidated by figuring out how to run a Ruby script. - John (bird whisperer)
I did run Micah's script a while ago, so I do have some stuff. I think I was similarly intimidated, and also doing a lot of running on the denial hamster wheel. - Jennifer Dittrich
I was also on the hamster wheel. - John (bird whisperer)
It seems to be going a little faster now. - John (bird whisperer)
if you get a timeout (which I've been getting a lot of today), you can just re-run it and it should skip already downloaded entries - Victor Ganata
I haven't gotten a timeout yet, but I'll keep that in mind. - John (bird whisperer)
which of these should I do? help me obi wan - Laura Norvig
Micah's is the easiest to run, but only goes back 10,000 posts because of the API limit. Victor's will go back to the beginning (if all goes well), but require installing Ruby and doing some command prompt stuff. - John (bird whisperer)
It seems like the script has slowed down again. - John (bird whisperer)
It finally did hit a timeout, but I was able to restart it. It looks like it had gotten back to last May and about index600.html before crashing. - John (bird whisperer)
It's gone back over two years now. It's too bad the server was so slow this morning, or it might have made more progress. - John (bird whisperer)
Wow, that has taken a while. I hope it continues a bit faster. - Jennifer Dittrich
The pace really picked up this evening. It took all day to go back a few months, and then it suddenly sped up. - John (bird whisperer)
Overnight it got back farther than I can search. Wait, I just saw a bunch of references to Hurricane Irene, which means it's back to August 2011. Not bad. - John (bird whisperer)
Now back to September 2010. A year and a half to go... - John (bird whisperer)
Sounds like you'll make it :) - Jennifer Dittrich
As long as it doesn't break like it did for Andrew. :-) - John (bird whisperer)
Back to October 2009 ... when the Phillies were actually good. - John (bird whisperer)
Looks like it ran into a problem. There's a 403 error and a bunch of stuff I don't understand. It seems to have stopped in September 2009, but I'm not sure of that. - John (bird whisperer)
Oh, shoot. - Jennifer Dittrich
It looks like it stopped on this post: - John (bird whisperer)
And it looks like this might have been the last one saved: - John (bird whisperer)
I just fixed a bug where URLs containing the substring '/static/' blows up the script but I don't know if that's actually what you're running into - Victor Ganata
I might give it another shot with the updated version. I don't think that was my problem, though. - John (bird whisperer)