I keep having trouble remembering that "uccello" means "bird."
I remember, but always try to spell it without the right number of c's and l's. - Jennifer Dittrich
in italian "uccello" is also a word for penis (similar to cock) - bezdomnyj82
That's useful to know. :-D - John (bird whisperer)
So, you might not want to call yourself the Uccello Whisperer. - Katy S
Unless you do. - Katy S
"Gli uccelli" just came up in Duolingo. Thanks for the hint! :) - Ell Bee, See?
Uccello Whisperer. *snort* - Kristin
Kinda odd to me which words in Romance languages deviate from the Latin. - Spidra Webster
The closest analogue I can think of is the German "Vogel." - John (bird whisperer)