
Give me liberty, or give me food. Or kill me.
The furnicular in #PDX is so neat.
#Searchfest2015 was the best #SEO conference I've been to in a long time. Usually I already know everything being said - not today! :D
Fantastic panel on dashboarding at #Searchfest2015. Thanks @AnnieCushing and @RachaelGerson!
RT @shahofblah: "2 types of content - 1) content you want to write and 2) content your audience wants to read." #sugarrae #sempdx
I'm in #PDX, yo!
#WheyThins are just frickin' yummy.
"Sitting is the new smoking": Because it also feels great, is nobody's business, and gives pests great joy to bug you with.
#Firefox Hello? Really? Because we didn't have enough video chat options? That nobody uses? Turns out no one wants a video phone.
Say, "constantly." Did you just say, "con-sant-ly?" Well cut that shit out - it's "con-stant-ly."
My spirit animal is General Zod
I used to say I would never, ever, ever, ever, get into pop music. But as I get older, I find myself sub-referencing Taylor Swift in tweets.
"Pretentious" is a criticism often used by dummies to say, "I don't get it."
Looking back, getting hit as a kid was never as bad as getting grounded. I can take a shot to the face, but locked in a house with Mom? No.
The Big Bird, 'Birdman' parody that needed to happen via @mashable
When you can't scream, drawing helps.
ever, ever, ever, goddamn WORKS! My morale is destroyed every time Xerox pisses in my face like this.
ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever...
Holy Jesus motherfucking Christ I hate our goddamn printer. It never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever....
I don't care what Jimmy Fallon did last night. Internet, please stop trying to tell me.
Some days, "EWW!!!" just doesn't cut it. #Arizona
Know who's career smart? Miley Cyrus. Do you still think of her as Hanna Montana? No. You only think of her as a dirty, dirty, dirty whore.
Coriolanus is my #FavoriteShakespearePlay. I love his "go fuck yourself" quality.
The rolling disaster of John Boehner’s speakership via @washingtonpost
RT @scotpfv: @ciaoenrico Doesn’t matter. You’ll probably get hit by a car anyway.
You learn a lot about #SiteCore when you use SiteCore. For instance, I've learned it's vital for a website to never, ever use SiteCore.
All I wanted was a Pepsi! Just one Pepsi! And she wouldn't give it to me! Just a Pepsi!
For the first time in 20 years, I locked my keys in the car. Three cheers for Captain Douchebag!
I think if I was #DavidBowie, three or four times a day I'd exclaim, "Oh shit! I'm David Bowie!" Because, really - how could you not.
BTW - you can make the ° symbol by holding the ALT key, then typing "2 4 8" on the number keypad. Just learned that.
It's going to be 81° in #Arizona today. Sorry you're snowed in, wherever you are, but dammit I wanted a Winter!