
Give me liberty, or give me food. Or kill me.
#Twitter = brevity. #Facebook = two full paragraphs about a story from your life I could give a shit less about.
LOL - How did I miss this the first time around? Joss Whedon On Romney
#Tracfone kills children. So there!
Wow - NEVER buy a #Tracfone! Inept phone and customer service cost my nephew a bunch of money. Thanks @TracFoneCalls! #mobile #fail
RT @giania: What does one sacrifice to appease the bandwidth gods?
OMG #Arizona sucks balls - Video: Arizona Lawmakers Debate Whether God Gave Americans Gun Rights
Ever notice how when managers say something's "optional," it somehow isn't?
Martini insisted I be in her #selfie, and I'm like, fine. Then she did that obnoxious Miley tongue thing. #dogs
"Bad Girls" by M.I.A. is my new jam. Listen:
It's so funny how being cynical is bad and being strategic is good, when they're both really the same thing.
:( The world was a better, funnier place with #TerryPratchett in it. Such great stories.
I'm following 636 users who aren't following me back. Found using
Each year there's a day when I must listen to #PinkFloyd's "Dark Side of the Moon" all the way through. That's today.
My envy of preschoolers - and naptime - is without measure.
#Bowie. Play this at my funeral. Oh, no wait - I'm being cremated. Play this at my cookout.
Playing Assassin's Creed. Amazing how accurately it creates having no idea what the hell is going on.
Watching the Robocop reboot. Waiting for it to suck, but so far so good.
Statistically, the vast majority of people who claim to be victims of "character assassination" really are kind of assholes.
A weird choice given my last jam? Sure. I'm a weird guy. #DRI
"Way of the Gun" God I love this movie!
Because I have the soul of a teenage girl in the body of an elderly dope fiend.
I hate having colds. How far off are we from curing viruses, anyway?
#BlackBerry will release a curved-screen slider phone later this year via @engadget
When someone says, "I'm not trying to say you don't know what you're doing..." guess what they're TOTALLY trying to say. #PassiveAggressive
Leaving today. :( Stay weird, Portland. #PDX
Thanks For the Net Neutrality, Oligarchs
ProtonMail is neat, but OMG it's slow on a browser, and apparently I can't get it to work in my BlackBerry Hub.
OMG I love this place. Seriously. #PDX
RT @randfish: My presentation from today's #SearchFest is up: on Competitive Intel Failures
The furnicular in #PDX is so neat.
#Searchfest2015 was the best #SEO conference I've been to in a long time. Usually I already know everything being said - not today! :D