Christopher Chung

what's that? I can't hear you
Cyclists Said to Back Claims That Armstrong Doped - -
"Federal prosecutors have intensified their criminal investigation of the cyclist Lance Armstrong since the end of the Tour de France last month. They questioned many of his former associates, including cyclists who have supported and detailed claims that Armstrong and his former United States Postal Service team participated in systematic doping, according to a cyclist who has been interviewed and two others privy to the inquiry." - Christopher Chung
Evangelicals Condemn Planned Quran Burning on -
"The National Association of Evangelicals has condemned plans by a Florida church to burn copies of the Quran on the anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks. “The proposed burning of Qurans would be profoundly offensive to Muslims worldwide, just as Christians would be insulted by the burning of Bibles,” the NAE said in a Thursday (July 29) statement. “Such an act would escalate tensions between members of the two faiths in the United States and around the world.” The Dove World Outreach Center in Gainesville, Fla., announced its plans on a Facebook page “in remembrance of the fallen victims of 9/11 and to stand against the evil of Islam,” reads the announcement. “`Islam is of the devil!”" - Christopher Chung
Free dental care draws thousands to outdoor clinic in rural Virginia -
"On a weekend in late July, at the free annual open-air health clinic held here in this Appalachian community, a total of 2,643 teeth were extracted. Each one bore mute and personal testimony to the isolation of this rural place, and the defeats and losses of its people." - Christopher Chung
The Media Equation - Buzz Bissinger’s Full Conversion to Digital - -
"Two years ago, Buzz Bissinger took a stand against digital culture. A specialist in long-form magazine journalism and the author of “Friday Night Lights,” considered by some to be the best sports book ever written, Mr. Bissinger went on HBO’s “Costas Now” to launch a full-throated assault against online discourse, describing his “abiding hatred” for its sarcasm and venom.... Mr. Bissinger worried about his son, then 16, growing up in a world where information is “going to be glib, it is going generally to be profane, it is going to be quick.” Two years later, all those adjectives pretty much describe Mr. Bissinger’s own Twitter account (, where his state-of-mind seems visible every few minutes." - Christopher Chung
VOTE: Which Wonder Woman do you like best? -
Guess which option wins? "The old one! Why change perfection? // The new one! The last one is 70 years old!" - Christopher Chung
Unsurprising. I think Wonder Woman's costume would well do with some pants. (Robin, for instance, got pants back in the 90s and nearly no one complained.) - Andrew C (see
The old one is iconic. The new one seems derivative of so many other costumes (X-Men come to mind) that it feels uninspired. - Dan Hsiao
I like the idea of pants, but might've preferred staying w/ the stars & the same color blue (might have resembled Supes too much?). Dunno why they had to change her boots,& the jacket looks silly to me; looks like it'd get in the way or distract when cocking her arm back for a punch. Not crazy about the glovelets. Her whole thing was she was so bad, she only needed those little strips of metal and her skills to keep you from shooting her; now she needs gauntlets? AFTER gaining the power to fly w/o her jet? - MiniMage
Lower East Side Tenement Museum -
Online Gallery - Christopher Chung
What it's like to own an Apple product - The Oatmeal -
MTA to Change New Subway Sign that Spells Profane Web Message - -
President Obama Address - Carnegie Mellon University - 1:30PM Eastern -
"President Barack Obama will make an address June 2, 2010, from Carnegie Mellon's Wiegand Gymnasium." - Christopher Chung
McChrystal calls Marjah a 'bleeding ulcer' in Afghan campaign | McClatchy -
"The operation in Marjah is supposed to be the first blow in a decisive campaign to oust the Taliban from their spiritual homeland in adjacent Kandahar province, one that McChrystal had hoped would bring security and stability to Marjah and begin to convey an "irreversible sense of momentum" in the U.S.-led campaign in Afghanistan. Instead, a tour last week of Marjah and the nearby Nad Ali district, during which McClatchy had rare access to meetings between McChrystal and top Western strategists, drove home the hard fact that President Barack Obama's plan to begin pulling American troops out of Afghanistan in July 2011 is colliding with the realities of the war." - Christopher Chung
Write The Future on Vimeo -
Ha, i like the Federer cameo. Looks like Nike hasn't lost its touch for being overdramatic. (Though this feels like the opposite of "Just Do It".) - Dan Hsiao
I love videos where the play button looks amusing on the title frame. 'Hit in the nose to start video" - Kevin Fox
Guest Voices: Sarah Palin is no Susan B. Anthony - On Faith at -
"Susan B. Anthony, a lifelong Quaker, included Mormons, Catholics, Christians, Jews and atheists in her movement. But she firmly believed that religion had no place in politics. "I dislike those who know so well what God wants them to do," she said, "because I notice it always coincides with their own desires." On Friday, Sarah Palin called Susan B. Anthony "one of my heroes." And well she should be - as long as Palin understands who Anthony was. And wasn't." - Christopher Chung
One of my friends is a Quaker. She's also works for a major auditing firm and is in B-school. That's about as much as I know about Quakers - LANjackal
What Rekers Represents - The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan -
"The blue chips could be cashed in for candy or television time. The red chips earned him a "swat" or spanking from his father. Researchers periodically entered the family's home to ensure proper implementation of the reward-punishment system. After two years, the boy supposedly manned up. Over the decades, Rekers, who ran countless similar experiments, held Kraig up as "the poster boy for behavioral treatment of boyhood effeminacy."" - Christopher Chung
So true: "Sometimes I wonder how much of the most aggressively anti-gay campaigning is done by closeted and tortured gay men, who seek to extirpate from others something they could not banish from themselves." - Dan Hsiao
Still-Life Performance Of Johan Lorbeer. -
"German performance artist Johan Lorbeer became famous for his 'Still-Life' performances that took place in public areas. He has been performing since the 1970's with various kinds of artistic installations, but what got him into spotlight are his still-life performances. It involves illusions that make him look like he is defying the laws of gravity. And for hours he would remain as a living work of art, in physically impossible positions." - Christopher Chung
Haha. That's awesome! Can't imagine he's all that comfortable, but the amazement and wonder he creates is prob worth it. - Dan Hsiao
Clevelanders Desperately Try To Hold On To Lebron James with version of "We Are the World" - -
This video is hilarious. Heard about it on the radio this morning. "Everyone from Ohio Gov. Ted Strickland on down joined together in a sing-along to the tune of "We Are the World." The song's lyrics include, "Please stay, LeBron. We really need you. No bigger market's gonna love you half as much as we do."" - Christopher Chung
So, I can't imagine that the NY response is far off. The fast-talking newspeople on 1010 WINS, the AM radio news station here, were mocking it and playing some clips from it. First time I'd ever heard such derision from them. - Christopher Chung
Our Crazy Supreme Court Nomination Process - Opinionator Blog - -
"I guess my view is that this is what happens to good people when they get caught in a system based on false ideas: make one moral mistake, render one stupid decision or write one controversial essay, and you’ll be disqualified from high office. If they do any of these things then the interest groups on the other side go crazy, we in the press go into a tizzy and the nominee has to step down because he or she has become a “distraction” to the president. This is a standard that none of us would apply to ourselves and none of us would apply to spouses, friends or family members. We all spend our lives with flawed human beings but somehow expect our court nominees to be without impairment. The result is you get a set of incentives that impairs the careers of brilliant but flawed or prolific people. It rewards the careers of bland mediocrities. In the case of Elena Kagan, it gives a brilliant and gifted person a strong incentive to be reticent and cagey." - Christopher Chung -
"The New York Bike Jumble celebrates New York's bike culture by hosting bike flea markets, staging exhibits about cycling history and taking photos of New York's bikes and bikers." - Christopher Chung
How Much Gas Does Your State Use Per Person? » INFRASTRUCTURIST -
"While states with the highest populations unsurprisingly tend to use the most gas, the real fuel efficiency picture comes when you examine each state’s fuel consumption per capita. With that factor added, a very different scenario emerges: High-use states like New York actually have low per-capita usage, while states like Alabama, Iowa, Mississippi, Missouri, New Hampshire, and North Dakota — all states with smaller populations and large distances required for drivers — have higher than average consumption, with the highest per capita usage falling on Wyoming." - Christopher Chung
thought it doesn't seem to take into account that many (though not all) of the states with higher per-capita usage are also states with a lot of farming, which just takes more gas. Whether its for equipment or its to get from one side of the farm to the other on a very regular basis. - Rachel Lea Fox
What Led Up to the Arrest of a Bombing Suspect - -
"It was 53 hours and 20 minutes from the moment the authorities say Mr. Shahzad, undetected, left his failed car bomb in the heart of Manhattan until the moment he was taken off a plane at Kennedy Airport and charged with trying to kill untold numbers of the city’s residents and tourists. “In the real world,” said the New York police commissioner, Raymond W. Kelly, whose detectives investigated the case with the Federal Bureau of Investigation, “53 is a pretty good number.” ... based on interviews and court records, those 53 hours included good breaks, dead ends, real scares, plain detective work and high-tech sophistication. There were moments of keen insight, and perhaps fearsome oversight." - Christopher Chung
complaint against Faisal Shahzad in U.S. District Court, Southern District of NY - Christopher Chung
Why Do Breasts Mesmerize? | Psychology Today -
Pesky, pesky small bags of fat. - Andy Ackerman
How I Met Your Motherboard: Tales of Early Computing » About -
"Celebrating the time when computers were beige and business-y, How I Met Your Motherboard shares the stories of your earliest computer memories." - Christopher Chung
ACA provisions taking effect, early -
"In recent weeks, we've seen many major insurers begin implementing a provision of the law that allows young adults to stay on their family health care plan through their 26th birthday. What's more, the industry agreed to stop denying coverage to children with pre-existing conditions (after initially intending to exploit an alleged loophole in the law)." - Christopher Chung
And this week, consumers and families received more good news -- the industry will scrap its "rescission" practices, four months before the new federal ban was scheduled to go into effect. ... The heartening announcement on rescissions came on the heels of a Reuters report on WellPoint routinely dropping coverage for women diagnosed with breast cancer. Yesterday, the company said it would end the practice by this weekend. - Christopher Chung
HP buying Palm for $1.2B; Republicans To Stop Blocking Financial Legislation
I read the two like they were connected. 'HP buying Palm, Republicans to forward the proceeds to Fiorina's senatorial campaign.' - Kevin Fox
Police barred from penis enlargement | Reuters -
"Forget about getting a job as a police officer in Indonesia's Papua if you have had your penis enlarged. You won't get it, according to local media reports citing the Papua police chief." - Christopher Chung
YouTube - THE SPORTING BLOG - Brian Kownacki Leaps The Catcher -
Amazing. - Christopher Chung
Dan, I'll save it for you
[ • > •] - Christopher Chung
Awesome, thanks! :D - Dan Hsiao
Clergy sex abuse of females complicates intricate issue -
Kansas City Star, 2002: "They are the forgotten victims of clergy sex abuse, neglected by the media and overlooked by church activists. Yet many experts estimate that females -- both girls and women -- constitute a sizable number of all victims of sexual abuse by priests. The public focus of the sex abuse scandal in the Roman Catholic Church has been on predatory homosexual behavior by rogue priests, and the subsequent cover-up by some bishops. As a result, female victims say they feel frustrated and isolated as they attempt to deal with the emotional aftermath of sex abuse." - Christopher Chung
Star Wars never smelled so good with the Bacon AT-AT | -
Ewwww - Rahsheen
Waste of bacon. - John (bird whisperer)
this is disturbing. - Christopher Chung
I thought I was the only one. I usually like the bacon stuff, but this is icky. - Rahsheen
Found in Brooklyn: The Brooklyn Botanical Isn't the Only Joint in Town for Cherry Blossoms y'know.. -
"It seems overnight the cherry blossoms have popped open all over Brooklyn. These here are at a serene oasis on Brooklyn College's beautiful campus." - Christopher Chung
Wish You Were Here | Voodoo Doughnut, Eating a Bacon Maple Bar -
"A skip from Portland's Chinatown, in a nondescript brick building down the block from a 100-year-old former burlesque theater, is Voodoo Doughnut, and it's the kind of place that reaffirms everything good about mom-&-pop businesses. Tatted staffers serve up homemade doughnuts that look like kindergarten art projects: Messy, overloaded with jimmies or Fruit Loops and squishing creme out the side (example: the Old Dirty Bastard doughnut involves chocolate, peanut butter and crushed Oreos.) It's all guilty-pleasure delicious. And then there's the Bacon Maple Bar. It's an oblong doughnut, glazed with maple icing, topped with extra-crispy bacon. (No, there's no filling, you greedy freak.)" - Christopher Chung
No filling? Lame. :) - Dan Hsiao