Bruce Lewis

Bruce signed up for FriendFeed in December, 2007.
Re: The inexplicable rise of open floor plans in tech companies - thoughts from the red planet - thoughts from the red planet -
"When this article came out there were 12 in my open-plan office and it worked fine. Recently I've been seeking quiet by bringing my laptop to an unoccupied part of the office floor. Headcount is 16 now. Your 15-person cutoff matches my experience." - Bruce Lewis
RT @linode: Here's a fortune from this week's Linode lunch! The cookie is wise....
Monty Hall Problem - Numberphile -
The professor in this video explains and illustrates it remarkably clearly. - Bruce Lewis
Are there online communities for young writers? My 13yo would benefit from being part of such a community.
I'd start with NaNoWriMo sites. I'll bet there's a separate board just for youth. - Spidra Webster
though from that second, looks good, from a quick look over it - ellbeecee
#SaturdayFF When I play Minecraft with my kids, I'm having as much fun as they are.
It's like building a lego house, but you can walk around inside and watch a sunset from the roof. - Bruce Lewis
These goslings and their parents on the South Bay Haborwalk seemed calm about people approaching close. - Bruce Lewis
My avg. daily fitbit #Fitstats for last week: 71,079 steps.
My avg. daily fitbit #Fitstats for last week: 71,744 steps.
That's my weekly total, not my daily average. I'm going to see if someone already filed a bug. - Bruce Lewis
Even after being abandoned for a week while I went on vacation, my Fitbit still tells me it loves me.
Gratuitous Cat Photo -
Qualys SSL Labs - Projects / SSL Server Test / -
FriendFeed is not vulnerable to the Heartbleed attack because it's still using TLS 1.0. - Bruce Lewis
Good to know - Stephen Mack
Y-EA-H *spikes in the endzone* - Micah
Signs of Spring in Boston -
Some of the trees have a tiny bit of green on them. - Bruce Lewis
Re: The Mobile Downturn -
"Minor point: "the past 20 years" only go back to April 8, 1994. The commercial Internet predates that, and is in turn predated by the browser, HTTP and TCP/IP." - Bruce Lewis
Fitbit has open plan seating. In the spacious Boston office it's easy to find quiet, but 90% of the time we stay where everyone else is.
Fitbit has open plan seating. In the spacious Boston office it's easy to find quiet, but 90% of the time we stay where everyone else is.
Wait...where did Cristo come from all of a sudden?
He came from slackers? - Stephen Mack
Yes. - Louis Gray
Fitbit is hiring in Boston! This is a great place to work. #job
Awesome Netflix/Fitbit Hack Detects When You’ve Fallen Asleep, Auto-Pauses Your Movie | TechCrunch -
Stephen Mack, do you participate in these hackathons? - Bruce Lewis
I think Jimminy would be interested in this. - WoH: Professor MOTHRA
I haven't participated in the past, but that looks like an awesome hack. - Stephen Mack
It turns out that not everyone who wears a Fitbit gains motivation to live a more active lifestyle. -
I'm pretty sure my cats would be in the 500 steps range. - Tamara J. B.
Love this. - Stephen Mack
"You’ll notice that somebody was taking a nap from 11am-3pm while we were out of the house. Proof that yes, the cat has not even moved from that spot since we left." - Mrs. Alix May
My 7-year-old lost her Fitbit Zip in the snow for a few days. -
They're sending a new one. I'm going to make her write a thank-you note to reinforce that most companies won't just replace what you bought if you don't take care of it. Interestingly, I got an email today saying this thing's battery is running low. It's still syncing! I walked with it a little. It registered steps and uploaded them. - Bruce Lewis
For my 7yo the killer feature is that now she has a game where she can meaningfully compete with her older siblings. I like the way it has given her lots more practice reading 4-digit numbers than she would normally have. She used to say "hundred" where she should say "thousand" and vice versa. - Bruce Lewis
Tech Time Warp of the Week: In 1959, a Fitbit Weighed 2,000 Pounds | Wired Enterprise | -
"Based on an IBM 650 mainframe, the video tells us this proto-sports-geek creation nearly doubled the winning percentage of the Institute’s hoops team. Take that, FitBit." - Bruce Lewis
Salt water iced over in the channel. -
What services still use SUP besides OurDoings and FriendFeed? Is the world nothing but PuSH now?
Are two collective nouns connected by "and" treated as singular or plural? E.g., is it "My expertise and experience is..." or "...are..."?
imho, singular and collective; reasons i failed english, :( - chaz2b
Ironically, the weather indicator on my phone looks like a blooming flower with a stem and leaf.
Watch out for that big building! - Jim #teamFFrank
Presents from the future — a tech gift guide - Business - The Boston Globe -
"Never mind those feature-packed smart watches like Samsung Corp.’s $300 Galaxy Gear. If you must strap something digital to your body, you are better off with a fitness monitor like the Fitbit Force. This $130 device tracks your body movements during the day and your sleep patterns at night. Sync the data with a smartphone to keep a permanent record of your physical activities. It’s not quite as exciting as reading e-mail messages on your wrist, but it’s a lot more practical." - Bruce Lewis
Try it late at night. You will get to this screen once your linked. They have either hit the API limit or the server is getting to many requests. - Eric Logan
Gray-haired guy on Sing Off has still got it. Go Street Corner Renaissance!