Made some cooked Banana Pudding with sliced Bananas in it. Added some shredded dark chocolate to the very warm pudding and now My fingers reek of Dark Chocolate. Life is rough.
I was at the grocery Store yesterday, when this lady walked past me with a grocery cart full of very decadent looking Frozen Cakes. I stopped her just long enough ...
To tell her that I had heard for the next two weeks they had a special on those particular cakes. I told her that the calories didn't count. She got a huge smile and said she wished that was true, then she could eat some them.
- Brent - Yes I am
I guess to try and make up for the picture with the Knife - This was My mother's cross. I should be able to wear this right, even though it did belong to a lady? Also it is Avon. #Fasionistaknowledge
#SaturdayFF When in 7th grade I was acing Trig in math. In high School, my counselor decided I didn't qualify for Algebra and stuck me in General Math for the next 2 years. I took an Electronics course with advanced Mathematics many years later and came away with an A-.
Been there done that in both science and math. I lost all credit for maths while I was homeschooled, and I had to trade my biology credit, for a 9th grade core science credit, otherwise I would have been placed in remedial courses. This caused scheduling problems from day one back in public school, 10th grade, through to my Freshman and only year of college. Most annoying thing that could be done.
- OCoG of FF, Jimminy
I had something similar happen to me. It was the primary reason for my dropping out of school. I was sick of acing Algebra I over and over again. Every time I moved, whatever new school I ended up in got all high & mighty and thought their Algebra I was better than anyone else's, so they made me repeat the class again...and again...and again.
- April Russo (FForever!)
My Daughters Grandmother-In-law can't come home from the Hospital. The ambulance can't carry enough oxygen to get her home. So they have set her up with massive amounts of Morphine and wait for God to take her home instead.
Thank You. My daughter has been taking care of her for about the last 3 years. She is taking it pretty hard, as is my 4 year old Grandson. The grandmother lived with them.
- Brent - Yes I am
It is a church called Church Inc. A very far from a regular church Indeed. It is a converted garage, at least the building I was playing in. The church consists of two buildings. The pastor told me I could only play there if I played loud. I think I met his goal of playing loud. Uhm, I got complaints from the neighbors. They (The neighbors) Told the Prayer line at the church that they were hearing Led Zepplin coming from the church and they wanted it to stop. So in other words, They were hearing Jimmy Page coming out of my Amp. Who was I to argue with them. All in all, the session was quite a bit like Christmas.
- Brent - Yes I am
Next Time I shall take my camera and make a You tube video or 2. This all took place on Monday.
- Brent - Yes I am