Ayşe E.

My motto, as I live and learn, is: dig and be dug in return. —Langston Hughes
(LRTs via @faboomama. ❤️)
RT @AntonioTheWiser: I have an idea of what 'peace' is. And this ain’t it: sitting idly as our children die at the hands of merciless cops, who then walk freely.
RT @AntonioTheWiser: Does ‘peace’ mean that people of color should *quietly* protest systemic racism that enables the continuous murder of our children?
RT @AntonioTheWiser: Does ‘peace’ mean “educate yourself” in crumbling schools, while we send money overseas for meaningless wars that our children fight?
RT @AntonioTheWiser: Does ‘peace’ mean “go to the voter booth to change the laws!" when laws are being rewritten to prevent people of color from voting?
RT @juliebosman: Police shooting rubber bullets at crowd, including reporters and photographers. #Ferguson
RT @pourmecoffee: The @sesamestreet memories are always the best https://twitter.com/pourmec...
RT @mercnews: The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is 1-800-273-8255. If you or anybody you know needs help, call.
Thinking of all who need help. Pls reach out. RT @JessicaValenti: RIP Robin Williams. To quote many: fuck depression. http://www.suicidepreventionlifeline.org/
What in the hell Robin Williams???
Woodward and Bernstein: 40 years after Watergate, Nixon was far worse than we thought - http://www.washingtonpost.com/opinion...
Wow. I feel dirty just reading it. Edit: My father is somewhere smiling. He hated Nixon fiercely. - MoTO Boychick Devil
RT @GuardianUS: It would take a family earning $50,046 21 years to save for a 10% down payment on a $158,100 house http://www.theguardian.com/money...
RT @SharkFu: Dear media, when an unarmed teen is shot dead by police that's your lead. Not chants from a non violent crowd. #journalism
RT @silentkpants: Hey fellow white people: please read through the hashtag #IGaveTheTalk, & hear it, without at any point jumping in & tweeting your 2 cents.
RT @LanceMannion: Ferguson cops' reaction to the protest proof the whole dept needs to be fired.
RT @SharkFu: As a St. Louisan, I'm not shocked. Horrified. But not shocked. My thoughts are with the young man's family. And the community of #Ferguson.
RT @jamisonfoser: “Involved in the shooting” is an interesting euphemism for “shot and killed a person.” https://twitter.com/jamison...
RT @jbouie: It's bleak, but aggressive, militarized policing + implicit/explicit racial bias = dead brown people.
RT @idriselba: The good news is i got a shit load of followers. The bad news is, that is a mic wire. #egowentintospaceshipmodethough
Dammit, how am I supposed to write this text to @pattychase919 without banh mi and cowboy emojis? *grump*
Dear God. RT @smalljones: President Art Pope (of @unc system)? @newsobserver speculates Yes in final para http://www.newsobserver.com/2014...
MT @jamisonfoser wonder if Koch’s anti-gov't rant has anything to do w/ record fine for spilling oil over everything? http://www2.epa.gov/enforce...
RT @MissEmmaMcG: "I don't need environmentalism because I don't blame all humans for the actions of a few" #NotAllHumans #NotAllMen https://twitter.com/MissEmm...
RT @librarycongress: Give a toast to Lucille Ball on her birthday today. No wine? No problem—just stomp your own grapes! http://go.usa.gov/NyRj
(I'm scared of "conservative common sense.")
"'Art has been the the voice of reason and conservative common sense,' McCrory said." Bwahahaahaa! Hoo, gave my lungs a real workout there.
Timely reminder of Jane Mayer's grim 2011 @newyorker profile of "the 3rd Koch Brother," Art Pope, "State for Sale": http://www.newyorker.com/magazin...
Wonder if we'll ever know what crimes&misdemeanors are behind Pope's decision to step down. Maybe just "spending more time w/his family."¬_¬
Good riddance to evil state-destroying rubbish. RT @newsobserver: Art Pope stepping down as NC budget director: http://www.newsobserver.com/2014...
❤️ MT @FullFrame: @Vulture intrvwd Werner Herzog & the conversation was amazing (duh)! A must-read for Herzog lovers: http://www.vulture.com/2014...
RT @rtraister: I wrote about how women's health is reproductive health & reproductive health is women's health & it's all interwoven http://www.newrepublic.com/article...
RT @parisreview: “Do you mind the term ‘woman writer’?” Elizabeth Spencer: “Would you mind the term ‘man writer’?” http://t.co/sRiQzhJA3K