Ayşe E.

My motto, as I live and learn, is: dig and be dug in return. —Langston Hughes
RT @MatthewKick: The Civil Rights Act is 50 years old. These two pictures were taken 50 years apart. Behold our progress. #Ferguson https://twitter.com/Matthew...
Is this real life? RT @GovJayNixon: Canceling all appearances at the @MoStateFair to visit North #STL County tomorrow. Statement to follow.
RT @desusnice: "my guacamole is brown now. IS THIS EVEN AMERICA????" - anonymous statistician
RT @juliacarriew: Reminder: Ferguson PD brought police dogs & riot gear to the vigil on the first day. Every escalation has come from them.
After 10 minutes of busy signal/not answering, I got through to governor's mansion at 573-751-4141, but operator could tell me nothing.
I asked 5 diff ways if there was anything he could tell me abt where the gov was/what was happening in #ferguson. He could tell me nothing.
Gov mansion switchboard operator: "I am not at liberty to make any kind of statement. I am sorry, ma'am." At least he was polite. #ferguson
573-751-4141 "Your party is not answering. Please try your call later. We're sorry, but your call will now be disconnected."
RT @taylordobbs: Only remaining live stream is from InfoWars. http://www.ustream.tv/realale... #Ferguson Thanks for links, all.
➡️➡️➡️RT @skeskali: Kickstarter to airdrop a whole 💩🚚 of pocket sized US Constitutions on Ferguson.
RT @Virgotex: Stream working great on mobile livestream: http://new.livestream.com/account... #ferguson
RT @MarkSV: Thinking of Nina singing #Ferguson Goddam
RT @parisreview: “One of the occupational hazards of being a poet is you’re asked questions that you really don’t know an answer for.” http://www.theparisreview.org/intervi...
RT @GirlsRockNC: \m/ Click now and prepare to ROCK! RT @mergerecords: You may kickstart your Tuesday now: https://t.co/shzUWdJdiU @exhexband
& shouldn't we know who the most biased are such that they're not put on the front line w/ automatic weapons in the most fraught situations?
I'm sure that's pie-in-the-sky hopeful, but if we can't train folks to be *less* racist, can't we at least make them aware of their biases?
Oh I think they are aware. But in many cases I don't think people understand the impact that their biases have on others. Or they feel justified because they feel aggrieved in their own way. - MoTO Boychick Devil
"they feel justified because they feel aggrieved in their own way." Yes, this. - maʀtha
Woke up last night thinking, IMPLICIT BIAS TEST!! Why don't they give this to cops/security/whomever w/ guns, weed out the superwackos?
RT @JonnieMarbLes: Peeps telling depression sufferers to "get help". I had a breakdown over Xmas, sought help. My 1st appointment's in 2 weeks. Help is slow.
RT @brownandbella: I need pro lifers to explain why they can harass women outside clinics, but won't post up outside the police station to defend dead kids.
RT @CopyCurmudgeon: Any time a government force wants to hustle the media away from a situation, that situation should get double the scrutiny. #Ferguson
Perfect. RT @dataylor1: O Me! O Life! by Walt Whitman: The Poetry Foundation http://www.poetryfoundation.org/poem...
MT @ksdknews: Police in swat gear, marching down W. Florissant in #Ferguson. Loud speaker says 'return to yr home.' https://twitter.com/ksdknew...
Last #Ferguson RT via @jagosaurus. JFC, America, what gives?
RT @LizPeinadoSTL: Men armed with nothing but phones ordered to get on their knees. I witnessed tear gas thrown at them in #ferguson https://twitter.com/LizPein...
See Alderman @AntonioFrench's Vines of what's unfolding in #Ferguson here: https://t.co/2JcEcgenV0 (via @jagosaurus @weeddude)
(LRTs via @faboomama. ❤️)
RT @AntonioTheWiser: I have an idea of what 'peace' is. And this ain’t it: sitting idly as our children die at the hands of merciless cops, who then walk freely.