I'm sure that's pie-in-the-sky hopeful, but if we can't train folks to be *less* racist, can't we at least make them aware of their biases?
Oh I think they are aware. But in many cases I don't think people understand the impact that their biases have on others. Or they feel justified because they feel aggrieved in their own way. - MoTO Boychick Devil
what B said. - t-ra is ugly crying
I think it's justification you mention. That's what pisses me off - that people realize what they're doing but somehow justify it as being OK for them somehow. - Brian Johns
First of all Steve, you are a mensch (*mwah*). And I don't contend that in "all cases" people hold onto their biases. But it is comforting to stay with the beliefs you were raised with, evidence to the contrary. Hell, someone could make the same claim about me and my continuing loyalty to Christianity "in spite of volumes of scientific and historic evidence to the contrary"; an actual quote (whatever, haters). I think you make a very astute observation in stating that you have adopted a "usefully complicated view of the world". A lot of people are frightened by ambiguity. - MoTO Boychick Devil
"they feel justified because they feel aggrieved in their own way." Yes, this. - maʀtha