Ayşe E.

My motto, as I live and learn, is: dig and be dug in return. —Langston Hughes
RT @chrisgeidner: "We're moving the protestors out, after that you need to leave." - police to CNN just now, #Ferguson
Small town America 2014. RT @bkesling: Police-fired tear gas returned by a protester in #Ferguson https://twitter.com/bkeslin...
RT @nycjim: #Ferguson update 5: 1st time ever, @Amnesty Int'l deploys human rights team in US http://www.independent.co.uk/news... https://twitter.com/nycjim...
RT @billder: Here's Ferguson MO's annual city budget. Only 42 FT police officers. http://www.fergusoncity.com/Documen... via http://www.fergusoncity.com/172...
RT @aterkel: This is what happens when you get hit with tear gas #Ferguson https://twitter.com/aterkel...
MT @JamilSmith: Yr nightly reminder that tear gas is a chemical weapon banned in wars, & now being used in Ferguson: http://www.washingtonpost.com/news...
RT @Greeblehaus: Absolutely flabbergasted at @GovJayNixon and #ferguson police department. WE ARE WATCHING YOU.
RT @Greeblehaus: RT @snarkyamber: I’m not sure why one has to keep moving in order to enjoy their first amendment right to peaceful assembly. #Ferguson
==>> RT @bpick: This tweet could have happened nearly any night for the last… week, now? RT ayse: Tear gas. How can this be justified?
RT @zeynep: A single livestream out of #Ferguson has abt ~45,000 viewers. That's about 10% of CNN nightly viewership. https://twitter.com/zeynep...
Tear gas. How can this be justified?
RT @luluchadora: RT @tejucole: Writing as writing. Writing as rioting. Writing as righting. On the best days, all three.
RT @poetshouse: I was afraid they would / find me // Which they did // Without noticing / That I had hidden —Witter Bynner
RT @prisonculture: The cops got what they wanted. They have turned all social media into Matlock, while smearing Mike Brown, & still said nothing re: killing.
RT @JoyAnnReid: Ferguson convenience store owner's lawyer says store employees didn't call police after alleged robbery: http://www.timesfreepress.com/news...
RT @KMBTweets: Whoa! RT @Yamiche STL Police Chief Sam Dotson taking selfie with a protestor. This is a CHANGED atmosphere. #Ferguson https://twitter.com/Yamiche...
RT @greggchadwick: RT@nickconfessore Retweeted plenty of rough pictures out of #Ferguson. Glad to be retweeting this one now. https://twitter.com/manofst...
RT @codyives: This is probably the greatest thing I've seen so far #NMOS14 https://twitter.com/codyive...
Wow. RT @ryanjreilly: Didn't realize until just now that I was never informed of my Miranda rights. #Ferguson (h/t @drugmonkeyblog)
Trigger-happy cop kills unarmed teen.PD answers w/ riot gear,tear gas,rubber bullets,media suppression,refs to "outside agitators."JFC Murka
RT @Kcecelia: "Some Americans…who accuse others of inciting riots have by their own conduct invited them." RFK. On the Mindless Menace of Violence. 1968.
RT @AdamWeinstein: I'm getting reports that some well-to-do demagogues huff whipits while chanting incantations to ward off Saul Alinsky https://twitter.com/AdamWei...
RT @justexpressive: State Senator? Tear-gassed. Alderman? Arrested. Reporters? Arrested. Protesters? Tear-gassed. News media coverage? Nonexistent. #Ferguson
RT @joshtpm: BREAKING: Statement released by Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon http://talkingpointsmemo.com/edblog...
Impotence performed. Finally, someone says it plain. RT @ClaraJeffery: Yes to all that @anildash just said: https://twitter.com/ClaraJe...
RT @SMHoenig: Be concerned about your brother. You may not be on strike. But either we go up together, or we go down together. ~ Dr. King
Remember that time Rosa Parks ended racism? Yeah.
RT @MatthewKick: The Civil Rights Act is 50 years old. These two pictures were taken 50 years apart. Behold our progress. #Ferguson https://twitter.com/Matthew...
Is this real life? RT @GovJayNixon: Canceling all appearances at the @MoStateFair to visit North #STL County tomorrow. Statement to follow.