Ayşe E.

My motto, as I live and learn, is: dig and be dug in return. —Langston Hughes
RT @rtraister: I wrote about how women's health is reproductive health & reproductive health is women's health & it's all interwoven http://www.newrepublic.com/article...
RT @parisreview: “Do you mind the term ‘woman writer’?” Elizabeth Spencer: “Would you mind the term ‘man writer’?” http://t.co/sRiQzhJA3K
MT @zeynep: Ebola isn't a threat in the US. Here, worry abt H5N1, higher fatality rate, more contagious, more likely. http://www.washingtonpost.com/news...
MT @jessamyn You remove book from reading list for district’s kids? We’ll have statewide contest 4 kids who read it! http://www.pen.org/blog...
RT @ClassicPixs: Rev. Jesse Jackson & Marvin Gaye, 1976 https://twitter.com/History... (h/t @CDSduke)
RT @JoyceCarolOates: 100th anniversary of Great War; or War to End All Wars. Subsequently renamed World War I.
RT @ayeletw: When the UN Refugee spokesman BREAKS DOWN WEEPING it's time to STOP KILLING CHILDREN. http://www.newyorker.com/news...
Ditto. MT @lenadunham: My passion area RT @vulture: Where to stream shows about British Women Getting It Done http://www.vulture.com/2014...
RT @mgyllenhaal: It's tonight! #TheHonorableWoman Ep 1 on SundanceTV at 10pm. Tell all your friends ;) @honorable_woman @sundanceTV http://www.whosay.com/status...
RT @fsgbooks “As if dreams were a course a storm might take, a people’s hearts its source, their bones its wake” —Christian Wiman #FSGPoetry
RT @pattychase919: All peaches all day 4 @ayse MT @mcsweeneys: "10 Peaches That Resemble Pat Sajak" & other Suggested Buzzfeed Articles: http://www.mcsweeneys.net/article...
“'The feelings are so desolate, the despair is tremendous,' Hirsch said. 'When I read them, I didn’t feel more lonely, I felt less lonely.'"
"On the walls are shelves w/ thousands of books of poetry… Having his books enclose him is a means of reminding himself who he is, he said"
"'He’s someone for whom sleep is a disaster,' Richard Howard said." 4/4
"Occasionally, though, his careworn look is just from being tired. He has long periods of sleeplessness…" 3/4
"The gravity of his expression even now, esp. in repose, might lead an observer to think, Something terrible has happened to this man." 2/4
"For more than a year after Gabriel died, [Hirsch's] face was ashen." 1/4
RT @aldaily: The gravity of Edward Hirsch. Now the poet has turned grief into a masterpiece... http://www.newyorker.com/...
Major gripe: updating an old document. I DO NOT HAVE TIME FOR YOUR SHENANIGANS. #editordictator
Minor gripe: folks who change the name of a shared file (for which I'm ultimately responsible). MY NAMING CONVENTION OR THE HIGHWAY, YO.
RT @resnikoff: Is the phrase "poverty is a choice" and its various permutations becoming some sort of rallying cry? That's absolutely bananas, if so.
—> MT @OSFChris "Democracy is meant to be more than a disagreement among rich people." On citizen-financed elections: http://blogs.reuters.com/great-d...
Serious truth-telling here for parents RT @TenuredRadical: Sending your kids off to college—as independent people: http://chronicle.com/blognet...
(via 500px / giddy up by Kurt Arrigo) - http://ayse.tumblr.com/post...
I should go to bed but I'm all 〜(^∇^〜) ( ノ^ω^)ノ゚ \(^ω^\) (ノ゚▽゚)ノ ~(˘▾˘~) ヽ(⌐■_■)ノ♪♬ post-deadline. *boogie*
#cantstoplaughing RT @rilaws: Am hearing reports that the next Bachelor is going to be a pile of sticks with a Villanova degree taped to it
"I prepare by reducing the unknown to nothing… It has taken me a lifetime of serious confrontation." —Philippe Petit http://www.newyorker.com/magazin...
.@Simongane illustrates Osbert Sitwell’s ‘The Next War’ http://boingboing.net/2014... https://twitter.com/BoingBo... (via @olevia @boingboing)
RT @Rschooley: I like when people act like a NYT editorial holds sway in a world that buys a Duck Dynasty bible.
RT @coxn: Congrats NC "@NCCapitol: NC to stop defending gay marriage ban after 4th Circuit struck down similar laws in Va. http://www.wral.com/nc-to-s..."
Should I take this to-do list home and try to catch up on some things tonight? Bwahahahaahhaa!! #heyullnaw #trickquestion