In the future when an AI tries to recreate a virtual you from your vast data footprint, the loss of FriendFeed will create a big hole in your virtual personality. I think FF catches a side of people that isn't made manifest in other mediums.
And I may archive my posts, but a lot of my interaction here has been through comments that will disappear. - Stephen Mack
Perhaps 50 years from now people will look back on our poor data hygiene with horror and disbelief. How barbaric they were in the past, people will say. - Todd Hoff
I'm inclined to say that now when I think of the first Doctor Who episodes whose tapes were overwritten. Sometimes you need distance to really appreciate a thing. - CAJ was here
Too true, Todd. - Jenny H.
I'm sure the librarians have been thinking about this already, and it's why there are projects like, but so much of our written word now is electronic and fragile. My blog, for example, only exists if I keep paying a yearly fee to an ISP. If I stop paying, those pages disappear. But thirty years ago, some of those thoughts would have been preserved in a paper journal instead. So much of the early web is gone without a trace. So many 404s. - Stephen Mack
Yep. I'm lucky: The OCLC Library has been archiving Cites & Insights (and I assume still is), so even if I drop the domain registration & LISHost account, the archives might remain. The blog et al: not so much. - walt crawford
Hmm. Or not. Checking just now, the link that should go to the OCLC archive doesn't seem to work right. So C&I itself may be more ephemeral than intended. (LOCKSS? Where, exactly, am I going to get the money to pay for LOCKSS?) - walt crawford
Lots of data copies is expensive. Not an option for most when there's lots of data. - Todd Hoff
Todd gets me. - Laura Norvig
On another note, so that we might be considered *slightly* less barbaric, if you have a public feed here, and you want to archive a particular thread: 1) Go to 2) Put in an existing public Friendfeed URL, e.g. a permalink to an individual thread 3) It will say "This page is available on the web! Help make the Wayback Machine more complete! Save this url in the Wayback Machine" 4) Click that. - Laura Norvig
I just did it for this thread, in fact. How meta. Except it is frozen prior to this post. *head explodes* - Laura Norvig
Any future recreation of me based on my Twitter output would need a pretty good comprehension of sarcasm or else it'll come out pretty wrong. - Andrew C (see
I hope my virtual self has a chance to see what your virtual self becomes. I'm sure it will say something if it's not a right. Though since this comment will be lost, perhaps not. - Todd Hoff