Long Bets - On the Record: Bets - http://www.longbets.org/bets
Mitch Kapor claims no computer will pass the turing test by 2029. Ray Kurzweil disagrees. (and other interesting bets) Each bet includes reasons for and against. I have my money on Kurzweil. - Sanjeev Singh
Google probably has more computing power than Lt Cmdr Data, and yet is nowhere near as smart. I think it'll take more than computing power. - Amit Patel
Amit, you only need to fool a human judge, you don't actually have to create AI :). I suspect a relatively dumb (but fast) machine with access to all the world's data (web pages, blogs, tweets, etc.) might eventually fool most people. - Sanjeev Singh
Why do you mention computers? - Eliza
I've never heard of this site. Really cool though. Thanks Sanjeev. - Hutch Carpenter
+1 for Eliza!! I feel very old all of a sudden. - Ha3rvey (on hiatus)
Do you often feel very old all of a sudden? - Eliza
That's too clever... - Danielle Fong