I think Linky is campaigning to be #TeamNoPants President. He went #TeamNoPants in church this morning. If that's not hardcore I don't know what is.
Mar 8, 2015
Jennifer Dittrich,
Anne Bouey,
Stephen Mack,
That one guy. Bren.,
Mrs. Alix May,
MoTO Boychick Devil,
Steven Perez,
LB's Not Leaving,
John (bird whisperer),
Jenny H.,
Iván Abrego,
OCoG of FF, Jimminy,
Corinne L,
Brent Schaus,
AHnix (Anna Haro),
Catherine Pellegrino,
Kirsten loves you,
Pete's Got To Go,
holly #ravingfangirl,
liked this
That has to be the most hilarious and simultaneously embarrassing moment I've had in my short tenure as a parent to date.
- DB, Lil LB's Dad
haha! :D Linky knows how the Good Lord made him. "Pants? We don't need no stinkin' pants!" #backtobasics
- AHnix (Anna Haro)
Linky is normally very well behaved in church. He likes to people watch just like his folks. That an clapping. There's lots of clapping so that right up his alley.
- DB, Lil LB's Dad
It was the darndest thing. He squirmed out of Wifey's lap and was playing on the floor in between the two of us. Our legs providing little play area. Low and behold a couple minutes later Kesha looks down and the boy has pulled off his pants. She whispered loudly "Daryl he took off his pants!" We looked at each other then looked at him and doubled over in laughter. This is in the middle of the sermon mind you. Linky, being a dedicated #teamnopants member, of course resisted our efforts to put his pants back on. The lady across the isle from me had a birds eye view of everything.
- DB, Lil LB's Dad
- AHnix (Anna Haro)
I could hear her laughing. Getting his pants back on discreetly with him on the floor and us sitting just wasn't working so I just said bump this and picked him up, put him on our laps and got it done. Upset that this might call his #TeamNoPants loyalty into question he was noticeably irritated and let that be known. I ended up having to take him out in the lobby as to not disturb the service any further.
- DB, Lil LB's Dad
I thought of this story when I read this today: http://notalwaysrelated.com/keep-yo...
- bentley
That's great!
- DB, Lil LB's Dad
This is how we know God has a sense of humor: 1) giraffes; 2) platypus; 3) babies/toddlers pulling crazy stunts during the sermon or prayer at church.
- Corinne L
You know it.
- DB, Lil LB's Dad
Wifey calls Linky Captain No Pants now. El Capitan for short.
- DB, Lil LB's Dad
"Grandad, why do people call you 'Cap'?"
- bentley
"Well little one let me tell you a story...."
- DB, Lil LB's Dad
(I almost changed it to "Granddaddy Cap.")
- bentley