Well, it's official. My son is shipping out for Army basic training in Georgia in August.
I'm still coming to grips with this. - Jenny H.
He'll be driving a RV around Germany before you know it. :) - CAJ was here
Which base? Do you know yet? - Soup in a TARDIS
CAJ: :-) - bentley
Fort Benning, Soup. - Jenny H.
He'll be less than two hours from me. He won't need us but, if he does, we've got his back. Don't worry. :) - Soup in a TARDIS
*huggle* - Mrs. Alix May
He'll be okay. - Eric @ CS Techcast
*hugs* - vicster.
Big hugs to you, Jenny. I can't imagine. - laura x
Is he excited? - Anne Bouey
Very much so, Anne, but I am nervous. He's enlisting as infantry. He's been in JROTC for 4 years, received a high score on his ASBAB, and is very athletic. I'm hoping that will help him shine during basic. More than anything, he wants to be an Army Ranger. We've been discussing this for a few years, so it's not coming as a surprise, but I'm still anxious. To me, he's still my baby. :-/ Thanks for the support, everyone! - Jenny H.
It can be so hard to support your child's dream if it could put him in danger. :( I wish him the best. And you, too. *hugs* - Anne Bouey
I echo Soup's offer! there's a bus that goes between Athens and Ft Benning almost every other day. I felt similarly when my kid brother enlisted (obviously not the same, he's my brother not my son). big hugs to you. - t-ra: sentimental gorgon
Anne, I tried everything to get him to go to school first and join as an officer; obviously, that didn't work. There's first and foremost my concern that he could get seriously injured or even killed in combat, but there's also my fear over PTSD developing after experiencing some of these combat situations. It scares the shit out of me. Thank you, Soup and Tamara. You're good people. - Jenny H.
If you need to ask any army related questions, give me a shout. I am 15 years removed, but had 8 years in with Gulf War I and UN deployment to Haiti as an airborne cavalry scout. I am happy to share what I know, if you need. - Michael W. May
{{Jenny}} - Mary B: #TeamMonique
Thank you so much, MWM. I think that would be really helpful for me. Thanks, Mary. - Jenny H.