If you had to choose, would you rather be blind or deaf?
damn. i dunno if i can answer that one.
- Big Joe Silenced
If I HAD to choose one, I'd choose deaf.
- vicster.
- Mary Carmen
I'd choose blindness, though deafness is more likely, quite honestly.
- Jennifer Dittrich
- That one guy. Bren.
Blind. Don't know that if I could handle a life without music and laughter.
- DB, Lil LB's Dad
blind. In one eye
- Iain Baker
- Friar Will
- Kristin
deaf. It'd be very difficult to play video games, watch movies, or drive if I were blind.
- Rodfather
It's tough, but blind. The one sense I'd want most is touch.
- Lo
if i was forced, i'd say blind. music means so much to me.
- Big Joe Silenced
Extremely hard choice but possibly blind. I'd like to not judge people by what they look like. I think no matter how hard humans try not to do that, there's a certain amount of lizard brain shallowness when it comes to responding to attractive people vs. people you don't consider physically attractive.
- Spidra Webster
- Back to just Joe
Oh man, I don't know. My hearing's already kind of terrible, but I don't think I could live without music (and dance). I couldn't live without beautiful sunsets and smiles, either.
- Penguin Sparkles
- Amit Patel