This is just getting ridiculous. I am starting to feel claustrophobic in here!
LOL; I was raking up wood chips in sensitive butterly [butterfly!] habitat yesterday. How could you not recognize that as a powerful piece of restoration equipment?! :P - Jenny
LOL, grrrr! ;) - Jenny
*quietly dials Hoarders production staff* - Hookuh Tinypants
Is that the box for your new boots? - CAJ was here
Damn girl, you can barely see your monitor! - Anika
*secretly covets Jenny's green bag* - Anika
Yeah, I'm digging that green bag. You know, she wouldn't even notice if it was missing, I'll bet. - Hookuh Tinypants
By looking at it I got claustrophobic ... :-) - Sepi ⌘ سپی
Amanda, you distract her while I snag it. We can take turns using it. - Anika
I'm right on top of that. - Hookuh Tinypants
It looks like that under my bed - Zehnchu
Amanda, I'm starting to think the Horders hotline is necessary. :P CAJ, yes, that's the box for my new boots. I just broke it down and stashed it in the supply room. Sei, I hope my cubicle doesn't have a lasting effect. ;) Anika and Amanda- Patagonia messenger bag; got it for $50 on eBay. LOVE it! (In other words, I would notice if it were missing!) ZEHNCHU! I havenkt heard from you in forever! :D - Jenny
Oh My! - Friar Will
Not at all ;-) - Sepi ⌘ سپی
Two of those are filled with traps and are for hauling traps and gear. One is my small field pack (water/snacks/book), one is my "red bag" for working on a fire. The black pack on the counter is my IA pack, carried while digging fire lines/trenches. I was told to be packed and ready to ship out last night. Just waiting for the call. - Jenny
Bless your heart, Jill. ;) - Jenny
Guy looking over my shoulder wants to know if you use the rake to move things around :-P - Shannon - GlassMistress
LOL, I should! I haven't yet experimented with it in that manner. :) - Jenny
serioulsy do I see a rake in there too ? - Peter Dawson
Now he says it looks like a hidden object game, LOL - Shannon - GlassMistress
ok lets play a game.. name the things that you see - Peter Dawson
I'm pretty sure that's a fire hazard, Jenny. Good thing you've been trained. - Kristin
rake, hard hat(?) , backpacks,.. whatelse .. - Peter Dawson
Kristin, I am, indeed, one of the fire wardens for the building! :D Sugar Pine pinecone! <3 - Jenny
for pete's sake.. I really had to stare hard to find the darn pinecode !! LOL - Peter Dawson
yellow bowl - Peter Dawson
^Oh, yeah! That reminds me I need to wash that and return it to Marisa. - Jenny
flying squirrel - Shannon - GlassMistress
Amanda is calling hoarders lol. - Simply Caroline
V8 is worries! Whatever you see is not a garter belt! Marking tape is probably flagging tape for chipmunk trapping. I certainly do have a lot of stuff in my cubicle. Caroline, I think I need that call. I get called the pack rat. LOL - Jenny
looks like my studio. :P - Big Joe Silenced
maybe get a hanging rack for the various packs? - Big Joe Silenced
yikes! - edythe
:) - edythe
Hee, I'm a packrat too. Unfortunately it's only at work that I'm a complete Type A about my office. My bedroom at home though? Jesus. - Hookuh Tinypants
I am tidying up right now. :D - Jenny
Well now I feel guilty. :P - Hookuh Tinypants
LMAO Don't! I've been missing my "zen space" AKA the Café de Jenny lately! It's so nice to see counter space again! ;) Time to go wash some dishes.. - Jenny
ok need to see pic ..of clean't place.. else it did not happen !! LOL - Peter Dawson
LOL, MICHAH! - Jenny
How did no one mention the lasso?! :P - Jenny
Indeed it is, Janet. :) - Jenny
Oh, I wish! I am just a humble wildlife biologist. ;) The lasso is mine because I'm the wild horse and burro "specialist" on the district. I'm not sure when they plan on me busting that out... - Jenny
You're an ass woman? - CAJ was here
CAJ, I've seen an ass or two in my day. ;) - Jenny
*peeks into the Zappos box* - imabonehead