When I was a teenager, I used to belt out (and pantomime with) Patsy Cline songs because it made my mom so happy. Her favorite was "Walkin' After Midnight." Mine was "Crazy." :D #SaturdayFF
:D I think mine is "Three Cigarettes in an Ashtray". But it is hard to go wrong. - Michael W. May
They just don't make them like they used to, but I sort of think of Neko Case as today's Patsy Cline. :) - Jenny H.
"Walkin' After Midnight" is my favorite, although the one my friend and I sang most often was "Down in Dallas" (which might be called something else, actually?). - laura x
I had to introduce Eivind to Patsy. He'd never heard of her. STEP UP YOUR GAME, NORWAY. - Jenny H.