FF Night Crew Roll Call:
Present - Tamara J. B.
*shoots rubber band at webcam* yup. - Big Joe Silenced
Here (on a rare mid-week weeknight off from work). - Julian
I didn't do it! Nobody saw anything! - Jennifer Dittrich
It's morning here... does that still count? - Heleninstitches #teamff
here. :) - That one guy. Bren.
It's only 8:30 here! - Stephen Mack
It's only 8:30 here too! - Micah
Here. :) - Anne Bouey
If only our islands were closer, Micah! - Stephen Mack
Eating cheese, finishing a bottle of Monkey Knife Fight, and archiving my feed. Sup. - Hookuh Tinypants
ahhhh, good times! :) - AHnix (Anna Haro)
here. OUAT, I was on vacation in Hawaii and because of jet lag, I was waking up on Texas time. Several times that week, I was paged to work conference calls because of Sev 1 network outages. So I joined the calls, announcing that I was on a Maui beach. Now, I just have insomnia. - Greg GuitarBuster
Morning crew now checking in. - John (bird whisperer)
Here. - bentley
It's way too early. - Steven Perez
Morning crew present. Coffee, anyone? - Colette
I would take a second cup - FriendFeedForever
Good evening, Micah! - Stephan Planken
Still awake and here again, 17 hours later. - Greg GuitarBuster
I'm always here. - m9m, Crone of FriendFeed
You rang? - Corinne L
Here. - Kristin
here, again... :) - That one guy. Bren.
Still awake for now. - John (bird whisperer)
Here, but headed to bed soon. - vicster.
Here, but not for long. - Brent Schaus
Done with my morning (which went a bit long). - Julian
Yo. I tend to be night crew, since I am one of the couple Mtn time zone peeps. - Back to just Joe