Okay y'all, what's your final comments-to-likes ratio?
4.6293625613 here. - Kevin Fox
.174447633442 - Aloof Schipperke
Mine land directly on the Fibonacci golden series, natch. - Josh Haley
4.55 - Julian
1.09 - Kristin
1.08 - Micah
way too mathy. ;) - ellbeecee
Guys, we have "doper" with a score of 24470: http://friendfeed.com/vivazap... - samet
lol samet - orfe
1.5 - Brian Johns
5.82 and falling - Jonathan Disher
aha bunların yüzünden çökmüş site - hacıkenks
"Only" 2.76689189189189. - Ken Gidley
0.998758 - Might try to go out a perfect 1. - SAM
2.42666741. I like the 242 and 666 bits. 741 can DIAF. - Akiva
1.335. - rønin
1.58 - Technodad
I have no idea - Scott
I expect it will be approximately 3:5 as it is now. - Bruce Lewis