tchiseen on URF 2015 - Full AP .. Urf-- Kshaway -
"BRAVISIMO!" - Will Higgins™
tchiseen on TIL A Chicago couple won $30 million in the state lottery and didn't tell anyone. Not even their kids. -
"Florida Orange Juice, 100% Concentrated Stupid." - Will Higgins™
tchiseen on TIL A Chicago couple won $30 million in the state lottery and didn't tell anyone. Not even their kids. -
"Well, I don't really like it, either, but then, I'm not poor or dumb so lotteries don't really effect me." - Will Higgins™
tchiseen on [Spoiler] Just xPeke doing xPeke things. -
"4 days holy shit, I wanted to buy a new TV before the season started. Better get on that ." - Will Higgins™
tchiseen on Everyone's Upstairs Neighbors -
"I used to have this, but don't anymore. I think the wife left and took the kid. Great success!" - Will Higgins™
tchiseen on My Mom on the game show $100,000 pyramid, winning the bonus round with one second left on the clock by naming the insanely difficult last category. Her reaction is priceless. -
"You wish Reddit had more cynicism?" - Will Higgins™
tchiseen on The biggest shitfest of lol history is about to happen this Sunday -
"> Twitch jungle That shit is terrifying though, as long as enemy doesn't invade, the ganks are nasty." - Will Higgins™
tchiseen on Fuse Chroma packs in the Mastery system as a way to reward players who excel at their champions -
"#$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$" - Will Higgins™
tchiseen on Rekkles to part ways with Elements. -
"One thing that people don't really recognize about Genja was that his positioning was really good. Everyone remembers his timelord MF or Kogmaw builds, I remember watching him tear through teams on Caitlyn and MF with superb positioning while Alex, Diamond and Darien ran around the enemy team creating such beautiful chaos. I think one of the reasons why the NALCS matchup between TSM and CLG was so exciting to watch is because both teams ADC's tend towards really aggressive positioning and the meta ADC's don't really forgive mistakes (think low attack range, caster types). If the meta swings back to favor long range, siege and poke ADC's Rekkles will shine (and so will a couple other ADCs that right now aren't shining so bright)." - Will Higgins™
tchiseen on Giordano's -
"As a former resident of Chicago and deep dish non-believer-turned-convert, this post is a good little guide to "Pizza" for the uninitiated! I'll add my experiences. Giordano's, ubiquitous, good pizza. Variety of pizzas from them all come out well, and their delivery is quite good. I really like their classic pizza. The crust is the weakest bit, but if you haven't had a deep dish before you won't know that, and you'll still think it's the best thing you've ever had. Their sausage is very tasty. Lou's, another place with a couple locations. Their meats are good but their veggies are a bit lackluster. The crust is good, the pizza ends up being a little on a greasy side though, which I don't love. Uno's is actually a good place to get a pizza from in the city. They're comparatively quick and the staff is experienced. Their crust is quite sweet iirc. Not sure if I ever ran into a 'hipster' pizza joint, but I have a feeling it wouldn't be hard to spot one. If anybody working the place is..." - Will Higgins™
tchiseen on Any way to claim commuter-bike on tax, or salary sacrifice? -
"HAHA Now that's a funny April Fool's joke" - Will Higgins™
tchiseen on My cellphone is faster than my TWC connection. Pings are lower too. -
"As a person living in Australia Fuck You" - Will Higgins™
tchiseen on C9 trying to qualify for LCS 2 years ago... -
"Somehow in the last two years he went from being 23 to 40, which I think is pretty remarkable." - Will Higgins™
tchiseen on Richard Lewis Stars in the r/LoL Supremacy and the Lewis Ultimatum -
"> well-crafted arguments ... anti-Richard Lewis material ... with ... logical points and solid criticism. That is sharp and pointy and I love it." - Will Higgins™
tchiseen on A car made its way onto the bike path at some point this weekend. -
"That's actually on the bridge. I used to ride this route every day. You have to go quite a long distance off road to get to this point in a car." - Will Higgins™
tchiseen on [Spoiler] Cloud 9 vs Team SoloMid / NA LCS 2015 Spring Week 9 / Post-Match Discussion -
"It's hierarchical with Basic at the bottom and Mythical at the top." - Will Higgins™
tchiseen on a terrifying video of distracted teen drivers -
"This is why I can hardly wait for self-driving cars. Doesn't matter what you're talking about, if it's fucked up, user error is always the cause." - Will Higgins™
tchiseen on TIL The number of Americans who believed homosexuality is a sin actually went up between 2013-2014 (45%-50%) -
"Stupid people are breeding" - Will Higgins™
tchiseen on Super Troopers 2 Pitch -
"> Here is a thought. If i invest in your movie. Give me a % cut on the sales based on how much i've invested. Then i'd TRULY be involved in the whole process. ;)" - Will Higgins™
tchiseen on Does anyone watch CSI: Cyber? -
"Those GPIO pins look bent to shit" - Will Higgins™
tchiseen on james bond gosu -
"ping is in milliseconds 40 ping is 0.040 seconds So the actual reaction time would have to be something like 0.65-0.04, which is 0.61 which is essentially the same as .65 seconds." - Will Higgins™
tchiseen on How dutch moms take their kids to school -
"You wouldn't see this in Australia because there's absolutely no infrastructure to support this kind of cycling." - Will Higgins™
tchiseen on England rugby player Courtney Lawes' MASSIVE hit on Jules Plisson. -
"Very, very good tackle. The ball carrier had solid possession of the ball and was holding it in a position where he could have passed, kicked or run with the ball. At the stage where the tackler had committed to the tackle, the ball carrier still had the ball and could have reasonably thrown a dummy and attempted to make a run, rather than pass. For this reason, the timing of the tackle that came through was perfect. The height of the tackle was also perfect. Should the ball carrier have chosen to run with the ball, the tackler was at the perfect height to get a ball and all tackle. While offloading in the tackle isn't as popular in the Northern hemisphere, good tackling technique tries to prevent the ball carrier from passing the ball once contact is made. There can also be no question about the tackers intent to wrap his arms around the tackled player, as in both realtime and slow motion it is clear that the tackler makes contact with his arms immediately and remains holding the..." - Will Higgins™
tchiseen on OPL Competitive Ruling: Rich Homie Dre -
"Having played on a number of servers, I can say for a fact that OCE is the most toxic environment I've encountered in a video game. I don't think this ruling is going to have any kind of trickle-down effect, as most of the people on the server aren't professional and thus competitive suspensions are probably not enough of a threat to make them change their behaviour." - Will Higgins™
tchiseen on OPL Competitive Ruling: Rich Homie Dre -
"Playing on OCE I was under the impression that all player reports were put into a big box and thrown into a volcano, the community is so full of toxic kids, not to mention the Chinese on the server. Good to know that if any of them become pr0 and popular on reddit at some point they may be suspended for a brief period." - Will Higgins™
tchiseen on Cities: Skylines review. Everything Simcity 5 should have been. -
"I love Paradox and I'm so happy to see that they're getting this attention. This means great things for the future, they make great games in the right way." - Will Higgins™
tchiseen on The neighborhood squirrelies kept digging up my balcony garden... and so the Squirrelinator 2000 was born. -
"I have a mental image of you getting a text while at work in your office and then cackling maniacally while your colleagues sit in fear." - Will Higgins™
tchiseen on Blue Timers in TIP vs C9 -
"This post is at the top of my Reddit frontpage and I couldn't be happier. This is the kind of stuff that makes pros pros and that often gets glossed over. It might even get me to watch some LCS in the future..." - Will Higgins™
tchiseen on RP Price Adjustment in Canada -
"Like gas prices, except that gas is an actual resource that costs money to extract and ship around the world. Watch the CAD go back up but the RP stay the same, then, watch it drop again and watch RP get nerfed again" - Will Higgins™
tchiseen on Inven reacts to Winterfox roster change. -
"I'm going to throw in a prediction: Pob will be back in LCS next split after WFX loses in relegations, but with a different team." - Will Higgins™
tchiseen on [Spoiler] Froggen and Airwaks play hide and seek -
"What the heck is Froggen thinking not just running towards his base and backing somewhere safe." - Will Higgins™
tchiseen on Playing Blitz is a stress reliever. -
"Yeah and the BOOSH + BOP when you hit a hook at level 6 And don't forget the random CS with Ult Passive." - Will Higgins™