tchiseen on [Spoiler] Froggen and Airwaks play hide and seek -
"What the heck is Froggen thinking not just running towards his base and backing somewhere safe." - Will Higgins™
tchiseen on Playing Blitz is a stress reliever. -
"Yeah and the BOOSH + BOP when you hit a hook at level 6 And don't forget the random CS with Ult Passive." - Will Higgins™
tchiseen on [Spoiler] Counter Logic Gaming vs Team Liquid / NA LCS 2015 Spring Week 6 / Post-Match Discussion -
"Can we talk about what a beast Quas is for a minute? The binding at the end of the game that hit doublelift was disgusting, almost as gross as the one that hit zion when he was coming out of his zhonyas. His ultimates were shredding at the perfect times in teamfights, you would always see him use it just as CLG was committing, I really liked how he played the teamfights tactically. From start to finish he played that game perfectly. It was really a display of mastery of not only the champion, but of his role in his team. Even his item build and skill order was perfect. If you want a primer on how toplane Morgana should be played, you need only watch this game." - Will Higgins™
tchiseen on Has This Happen To Anyone Else? -
"You Must Be New Here" - Will Higgins™
tchiseen on Patch 5.4 Notes -
"Just quietly, that Kalista nerf is massive, and I expect to see probably 5% win rate drop off it." - Will Higgins™
tchiseen on Beyoncé getting complimented (0:04) -
"It was obvious by the tone of Whoopie's voice." - Will Higgins™
tchiseen on "Bronze 5 is inescapable" (funniest sh!t i have ever read) -
"Gold? You mean Plat 1" - Will Higgins™
tchiseen on SpectateFaker admin here. Here's my final decision regarding the stream. -
"Just imagine, all of this could have been avoided if Azubu's video player wasn't so shit." - Will Higgins™
tchiseen on Make Ohmwrecker open the gates! -
"DEE gates This is one of the best Rito plz's lately" - Will Higgins™
tchiseen on SpectateFaker admin here. Here's my final decision regarding the stream. -
"Here's the thing: if qtpie started streaming on Azubu only, and someone started a 'Spectate qtpie' stream, I'd watch him on Azubu, because watching him is about watching HIM play the game. qtpie adds value to the basic gameplay video which is made available to anyone, anwyhere for free by Riot. If Faker wants people to watch him stream on azubu, he needs to add enough value to his stream to make it worth our while." - Will Higgins™
tchiseen on It's been over 2 years since Sony first announced the PS4. The game suspend/resume feature they talked about still has not been added to the console. Do you think they will ever add it or just blank everyone who asks about it? -
"Wait it doesn't have DLNA? Everything has DLNA these days" - Will Higgins™
tchiseen on If he only had bought a better lock... -
"See you're all assuming there was a bicycle attached to that lock at some previous time, but what if the goal was simply to secure his rack?" - Will Higgins™
tchiseen on If you're making an "educational" post about AFKs on Reddit youre not helping anyone, you're just whining -
"It's a metashitpost, which is better than a shitpost because it's hypocrisy at its finest." - Will Higgins™
tchiseen on The fact that Riot will still allow a 4v5 game to start when one player never even connects is frankly pathetic. -
"I mean, sure this gets reposted every week but I'm going to keep upvoting it because, as far as shitposts go, it's not too bad." - Will Higgins™
tchiseen on Caitlyn autoattacks are all fucky again. -
"High level CSing technique takes into consideration the particle travel time of your auto attack and that of towers and enemy minions, when CSing under tower, you ideally want to start your auto attack animation well before the tower shot is going to hit a creep that's going to be ready to last hit. Sort of hard to explain, but if you watch pros carefully, you'll see what I mean." - Will Higgins™
tchiseen on Connect to WLAN using a phone only (no keyboard/mouse) -
"I'm using OSMC and you can set the RPi to connect to your home wifi network on boot. Looks like OpenELEC has something similar thru conman: Basically you store your credentials in a config." - Will Higgins™
tchiseen on [meta] Can you guys stop posting pictures of your new rpi's? -
"Oh jesus The number of posts when people figure out they can take a cell phone photo of their shirt and make it their watch background is out of control. like 7 months later, still seeing 'look what i got' posts hitting the front page Why am I still subbed...." - Will Higgins™
tchiseen on Bus carves up Adelaide cyclist - YouTube -
"I don't usually enjoy riding in bus lanes, even though it's the suggested way to ride on streets with them in my city. People who drive for a living and simply homicidal when they get behind the wheel, and cyclists are like ants under a magnifying glass to them." - Will Higgins™
tchiseen on Crusader Kings II free on steam for a week. -
"So go download the A Game of Thrones mod, and have fun for 7 days" - Will Higgins™
tchiseen on Fifty Shades of Grey (2015) full -
"ay lamow" - Will Higgins™
tchiseen on If nemesis draft proved anything - it shows how many people have no clue what champions are actually weak. -
" If anything, we learn that Elise is bad. 38% win rate, jesus almighty." - Will Higgins™
tchiseen on The Fall of EA’s MOBA – What it did Right and What Riot can use -
"> Simply unacceptable after 4 years for this pile of garbage to still exist You could say that about a lot of things that Riot does, which is to say, it's clearly not that unacceptable." - Will Higgins™
tchiseen on I'd do anything for 4 LCS tickets this Saturday, visiting L.A. and am desperate! Willing to kiss cam during LCS, Riot! -
"He's 12 and his parents chaperone all his dates." - Will Higgins™
tchiseen on Not only the fun passives are going away -
"Right now on OCE the names of Baron and Dragon are "Bazza" and "Dazza" respectively. When this gets reverted, a part of me will die." - Will Higgins™
tchiseen on Police search for ute driver after cyclist allegedly hit with a shovel in Ashmore road rage attack | Gold Coast Bulletin -
"I hope they find the assailant in this case. It probably wouldn't count as one, but I feel like this kind of 'road rage' is more like a hate crime. I wouldn't be surprised if the assailant consumed a whole lot of media with the anti-cyclist tilt that is so pervasive across media in this country these days." - Will Higgins™
tchiseen on OMG COOL vs iG Rookie - Assassin 1v1 Duel -
"I love pastrytime. I'd be happy to cast with him" - Will Higgins™
tchiseen on Reminder to slow down for blind corners! -
"To be fair, I think the hood of the car taught a pretty valuable lesson" - Will Higgins™
tchiseen on Open Letter to Parents of League of Legends Players -
"Great parenting advice from the company that believes that queers have super powers. Every parent should do this! This is one of those things, if you need to read this, you're probably not going to heed the advice because you're already a terrible parent. I can't think of anything I'd rather do than take life advice from some community manager for a free-to-play online game." - Will Higgins™
tchiseen on Vaccines Containing thimerosal (containing mercury) shows no risk in inducing ASD (autism spectrum disorder) -
"No shit?" - Will Higgins™
tchiseen on GE Tiger uniform is literally epic. I guess the thug life came to them. -
"If this is in response to the Garena LGBT debacle, it's bloody genius." - Will Higgins™
tchiseen on GE Tiger uniform is literally epic. I guess the thug life came to them. -
"I'm envisioning some kind of uniform brinkmanship now that will bring Korea to the precipice of insanity." - Will Higgins™
tchiseen on Cyclist uses 3 cameras to bring about 70 motoring convictions, and gets assaulted for it twice. -
"I don't see anything 'questionable' about the second example, passing on a blind corner is illegal where I come from and extremely dangerous. It might be cunty but in situations like that where I don't want to be passed, I'll ride about a meter from the middle lane marker, so that if someone wants to pass me they have to use the entire other lane. It makes their decision when to pass much more clear. edit: and if they pass me with any part of their vehicle in my lane, it's pretty easy to tell that they're passing too close." - Will Higgins™