tchiseen on England rugby player Courtney Lawes' MASSIVE hit on Jules Plisson. -
"Very, very good tackle. The ball carrier had solid possession of the ball and was holding it in a position where he could have passed, kicked or run with the ball. At the stage where the tackler had committed to the tackle, the ball carrier still had the ball and could have reasonably thrown a dummy and attempted to make a run, rather than pass. For this reason, the timing of the tackle that came through was perfect. The height of the tackle was also perfect. Should the ball carrier have chosen to run with the ball, the tackler was at the perfect height to get a ball and all tackle. While offloading in the tackle isn't as popular in the Northern hemisphere, good tackling technique tries to prevent the ball carrier from passing the ball once contact is made. There can also be no question about the tackers intent to wrap his arms around the tackled player, as in both realtime and slow motion it is clear that the tackler makes contact with his arms immediately and remains holding the..." - Will Higgins™