Simply Caroline

. friendfeed old timer. happy just about anywhere
RT @venice311: Fool. Pursuit suspect gets shot.
RT @am570radio: Rest in Peace to Los Angeles radio icon Joe McDonnell. You will be missed.
My heart is breaking for you guys.
Learned a lot from FriendFeed. Grew up here in my teens and 20s. Still felt like my hometown - Simply Caroline
My e-harmony video would be like
In class, in group projects, I'd write the sentence and Emily would turn it into print jargon... Brilliant girl.
But I can't write a lead to save my life. I turn every news story for radio. Not print
My poor gifted and talented classmate, Emily is pulling her hair out right now. I can write this EASILY for broadcast
You have YouTube, Netflix, television, and you still need to budget your entertainment costs? How does that work? Can't you learn a skill?
How do you save money on entertainment? Bizzare. I rarely entertain myself. So I ask you..
RT @reporterclaudia: #POTUS has landed in #Burbank. He'll be heading to #Hollywood to make an appearance on @JimmyKimmelLive. @markknoller
RT @sweetjames: I think I just found the @ForkReporter's muse. @KFIAM640
There is this blog called a feminist sub ..
All these drag queens are self-proclaimed twinks out of drag. Interesting
I could go my entire life without hearing another Unicom global commercial ever again
Okay. I'm here. What gonna happen to ya'll?
We'll be gone. - WoH: Professor MOTHRA
I never really left. Just stopped by here and there - Simply Caroline
I'm technically a business finance major. With a journalism minor. So budget reports and redlining isn't what I like to see.
I... The suge knight video is chilling..
Picture of the day for #InternationalWomensDay ur looking at my boobs but you should be more concerned about my mind.
Picture of the day for #interationalwomensday ur looking at my boobs but you should be more concerned about my mind.
You may think of me as a slut for my cleavage. I don't think of you at all
Je suppose que d'autres trouveraient étrange d'aimer par auto autant que vous voulez aimer un autre? Oui! Ètrange!!! Lol
Comme ce est romantique est-il d'avoir une histoire d'amour avec les soi-même?
ce un endroit étrange pour entrer, enfin atteint une faiblesse dans mon corps. de nouveaux niveaux. retourner à la réalisation
As you know I don't watch TV, so the historian's spent one hour Friday explaining who Tilda Swindon is. And Constantine. It was cute
KPFK is dedicated education. The historian spent the day teaching me about women that worked in the UN.. They never diminish me.
I know some of you are interested in my work, spend Friday archiving reels from protests in the 70s, from accomplished women.
My work at KPFK surrounded international women's day, finding clips by Patti Smith and other talented accomplished women.
Happy international Women's Day!
I got this one wrong, it's cuz it's a publication? Right?
RT @trboxing: Ladies and gentlemen, your announcers on http://www.TopRank.TV. Round 1 of our first undercards bout is underway!