Liverpool stun Old Trafford - can Manchester United recover in time? -
Merril Jessop - Normally you don't associate an FLDS leader with a fifth, but there are exceptions -
Nobody Can Hear You Scream If Your RSS Feed Is Dead -
There is a FRIENDSTER promo card in the SXSW music bag. FRIENDSTER $!@#$??? -
i m lightweight. in pdt & going to bed while cdt people at #sxsw are awake.
An ego search RSS feed just reported something I did on January 26...January 26, 2008.
Which service? - Mitch
Updates to a Twitter wiki page. - Ontario Emperor
I've been sitting in an SBUX, Facebooking, FriendFeeding, and tweeting, but I must depart.
@emperornorton found you via @kayballard 's emperor collection.
@LadyKrystle syracuse in ot again???
Twitter Paid $6 or Less for Crowdsourced 'Birdie' Graphic -
"Unlike Twitter's "fail whale" graphic, which the company purchased outright after it appeared on iStockphoto, Oxley's bird design remains on the site where it can be licensed under the same terms Twitter received. Nothing is stopping people from making sites that ape, mock or build upon Twitter using its own official graphic." - Ontario Emperor
The not-so-Special One: Why we love to hate Jose Mourinho -
"So if the story is fake, why in the world would the national media run with something like this? That’s a really good question. If there’s one good thing that can come from this story, it’s the chance to look further into a burning question that’s been boiling up inside of me for some time: Why do we love to hate Jose Mourinho?" - Ontario Emperor
Empoprise-MU: The Songwriters Guild of America on 360 deals and artists rights -
The third of three 3/13 Empoprise-MU posts on the music industry, this one looks at an interview by Rick Carnes of the Songwriters Guild of America. - Ontario Emperor
Adding 2nd comment to expose 1st. Argh. - Ontario Emperor
Empoprise-MU: Featured Artists Coalition and the wayback machine -
The second of three 3/13 Empoprise-MU posts on the music industry, this one touches on the beginnings of the Featured Artists' Coalition. - Ontario Emperor
Comments not showing up. Will the addition of a second comment correct this? - Ontario Emperor
Empoprise-MU: Featured Artists Coalition - Artists vs. the labels -
The first of three 3/13 Empoprise-MU posts on the music industry, this one touches on the Featured Artists' Coalition. - Ontario Emperor
Empoprise-MU: The music industry takes a 360 degree turn -
Monday 3/9 post from Empoprise-MU which is the predecessor to the Friday 3/13 three part series on the Featured Artists' Collective and related topics. This post refers to some TechCrunch pieces, as well as Warner's Edgar Bronfman and his position on 360 rights. - Ontario Emperor
Milton Friedman - Greed -
H/T Red Stick Rant. I will comment further at Clifford's post. - Ontario Emperor
I should mention that this is an interview of Friedman by Phil Donahue. - Ontario Emperor
GEMCO Stores Commercial (Original Posting) -
H/T Franklin Avenue. "You'd expect the big-box chains to have staying power; but alas, as we've seen recently, that's just not the case. Inspired by this week's final closure of Circuit City, I found a few more old stores that might be familiar to Angelenos. First up, above: GEMCO. And sadly, below, here's GEMCO as it announces its own going out of business liquidation." - Ontario Emperor
Watching the Jim Cramer interview as shared by Jess Lee. -
Does Twitter Mean The End Of -
"Previously, most folks used to make their URLs short and sweet... but lately, some Twits have determined that even tiny URLs waste precious character space, and have been demanding even tinier URLs." - Ontario Emperor
That is, &linkid would map to something like - which in turn would redirect to the true url. - Meryn Stol
France lectures US about stimulus when France offered one of the weakest stimulus packages out of the entire G20 -
"The US wants the G20 countries to commit to spending 2% of their GDP on stimulus packages meant to boost demand and kick-start the economy worldwide. France's Finance Minister is arguing that no more stimulus is necessary, and in any case, he says that the US was the last country to pass a stimulus package, so it's facing a bigger crisis than the rest of the world, so.... well, it's not totally clear what the French Finance Minister is arguing." - Ontario Emperor
Pretty sure government subsidies have something to do with that, Mark. EDIT: Johnny, that depends on the state of the US economy at the point of the strike. We're getting a bit low on massive trade power in comparison to other parts of the world. - FFing Enigma
The Jon Stewart interview with Jim Cramer. It's not pretty for Cramer. -
"Jon Stewart asks questions that no one else asked. The business media was to the economic crisis as the DC media was to the Iraq War and other Bush lies. He has a line to Cramer "you all know what's going on." That line captures the essence of much of the corporate media." - Ontario Emperor
"To both the World Wide Web, age 20 years this day and Linux v1.0, age 15 years this day." - Ontario Emperor
Tip #1: Stay in the pulpit... -
Personally, the best advice I ever heard on this topic came from a layman who once said, "Good sermons don't say 'You sinners,' but 'We bums.'" - Ontario Emperor
And I thought the Jolt cola was bad - NASHE "youth group" executes denial of service "defense" -
Spot Today's Downsized L.A. Times Mistake, #3 in a series -
Jimmy Fallon Pushes Twitter to the Absurd -
"As you can see in the clip, Fallon sat on the dais with Diggnation technogeeks Kevin Rose and Alex Albrecht when out of the blue, the former Saturday Night Live actor decided to pick Brinkman and run a “Twitter experiment” on the air. The goal: Follow Brinkman." And he didn't have to pay $120k. - Ontario Emperor
the closest i can get to "kmet" upside down is "i3wk"
33% Use a Single Password for Everything -
Why Bristol Palin Is Different -
Jon Swift is on a roll. "Why can't we unequivocally state there should be different standards for liberals and conservatives? One of the problems with liberalism is that they believe everyone is the same and that all morality is relative. But if there is anything that conservatives reject it is the idea of moral equivalency. When America tortures a terrorist suspect that is not the same as when a terrorist tortures someone. Killing civilians in a war or accidentally executing the innocent is not the same as abortion." - Ontario Emperor
Re: Why it's time to break out of Twitter (Scripting News) -
"Jason, I was hoping that you'd weigh in on this conversation, because your offer puts a possible monetary value on Twitter's "suggested users" feature. The question arises - if you don't allocate the spaces by buying them, is there a "fair" way to allocate them - especially when Twitter's base is converting from a tech-oriented community to a much more broader-based community? Is Jason "interesting"? Is Shaq "interesting"? From the perspective of the company, Twitter needs to choose suggested users that most benefit the company, either via revenue (as Jason proposes) or by choosing suggested users that will encourage people to stay on the service and not drop it (e.g. Ashton). The one thing that scares me about thinking of Twitter as a utility is that such a mindset could eventually lead to government intervention and regulation of the service, which would not be desirable." - Ontario Emperor