Re: Why it's time to break out of Twitter (Scripting News) -
"Jason, I was hoping that you'd weigh in on this conversation, because your offer puts a possible monetary value on Twitter's "suggested users" feature. The question arises - if you don't allocate the spaces by buying them, is there a "fair" way to allocate them - especially when Twitter's base is converting from a tech-oriented community to a much more broader-based community? Is Jason "interesting"? Is Shaq "interesting"? From the perspective of the company, Twitter needs to choose suggested users that most benefit the company, either via revenue (as Jason proposes) or by choosing suggested users that will encourage people to stay on the service and not drop it (e.g. Ashton). The one thing that scares me about thinking of Twitter as a utility is that such a mindset could eventually lead to government intervention and regulation of the service, which would not be desirable." - Ontario Emperor