France lectures US about stimulus when France offered one of the weakest stimulus packages out of the entire G20 -
"The US wants the G20 countries to commit to spending 2% of their GDP on stimulus packages meant to boost demand and kick-start the economy worldwide. France's Finance Minister is arguing that no more stimulus is necessary, and in any case, he says that the US was the last country to pass a stimulus package, so it's facing a bigger crisis than the rest of the world, so.... well, it's not totally clear what the French Finance Minister is arguing." - Ontario Emperor
So anyone that thought that, once Bush got out of office, the US would roll over and do France's will has another think coming. - Ontario Emperor
France is good at lectures and stuff. - Kenton
Years ago, I think it was Art Buchwald who wrote a column saying that the way for the U.S. to get France to do something is to suggest that they do the opposite. - Ontario Emperor
I don't know. I'd be willing to bet that American Idol fans could bring my country to its knees. - Ontario Emperor
Mark, do you have *any* idea what would happen in the US if all our vegetable farmers went on strike? Think about it for a while... - FFing Enigma
Tina... is the correct answer that other parts of the world would starve as the US, with it's massive trade power and subsidies, buys up all the vegetables it can for import, pushing up local prices in those countries to levels unpayable by the poor communities? - Johnny
Pretty sure government subsidies have something to do with that, Mark. EDIT: Johnny, that depends on the state of the US economy at the point of the strike. We're getting a bit low on massive trade power in comparison to other parts of the world. - FFing Enigma