Jason Toney

I post pop culture (music, comic books, books, and TV mostly), American sociocultural gobbledygook, pretty pictures of food, and other stuff. I live in L.A.
This is what it was like to be President Obama's 'surrogate son' and 'chief of stuff' http://flip.it/Kyyb8
MOOD. RT @catesish: When you're just tryin' to do your best. http://t.co/LiHV2RSYl4
RT @girlscouts: #FlashbackFriday to a historic day in our Movement. The first Black Girl Scout Troop. #BlackoutDay http://t.co/CxaA1eL1BK
#factsonly "@baratunde: Guys, it’s time for a re-org."
#BlackOutDay got me to open Photo Booth for the first time in a long time. http://t.co/9L90Gadvux
Prince will perform impromptu shows across America starting next week http://www.axs.com/news...
#LRT I do a lot of chores. Never for the nookie.
RT @alainabrowne: The last mile of women's equality is domestic equality http://www.theguardian.com/comment... http://t.co/rtf0yAOd6Y
RT @professorshih: Every Chance card in #Ferguson edition of Monopoly. There is no Community Chest. @jbouie @JamilSmith @tanehisicoates http://t.co/hEgaBlUQpH
I like Olivia Pope. I might like her getting read appropriately (as long as it's occasional and deserved) more. #ScandalABC
πŸ‘Ž // "@Jenn_Harris_: Attention @PEEPSBrand fans: PEEPS-flavored milk is really happening http://lat.ms/1MbaCmF http://t.co/MUIdgSeg6f"
RT @nikebasketball: Suited for the spotlight. πŸ‘” #WelcomeBackSager http://t.co/cJSkwXScst
RT @theeconomist: London's biggest financial institutions are struggling http://econ.st/1BU0WM8 http://t.co/qDyz1v9C0k
It's balls of bulgur. The least you could do is fry the hell out of it. #blackishABC #FactsOnly
#FactsOnly "@we135b: We had our winter on Monday and Tuesday. #mydayinla"
You said this glass has a soul? Uh huh. Uh huh. Fuck you. #blackishABC πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
RT @groovesdc: A quick synopsis of the #FergusonReport http://t.co/tTwVFrIrPV
RT @lil_ye: "I need a happy ending" #WorldBookDay http://t.co/xOP314wDfS
This dude twirling in front of me right now is both.
Followed closely by talking to no one and yet everyone man.
Can’t stand still man is my least favorite public transportation rider
RT @nba: Craig Sager laces up for his return - @NBAonTNT now! #WelcomeBackSager http://t.co/CaijPPtINj
It’s been almost 20 hours since I’ve seen you, twitter. What you know good?
RT @jasonh: I'm hiring several engineering heads. I've given myself the goal to gender balance, email [email protected] if interested
20 years of adventure! (at @Disneyland Resort in Anaheim, CA w/ @missmartini) https://www.swarmapp.com/c...
6 Ways to Humiliate Yourself in Europe http://flip.it/bVx17
#LRT can’t make this up.
RT @joyannreid: The mayor announces the creation of the Ferguson Explorers, which will send Ferguson officers into schools to inspire minority kids...
RT @chriskingstl: McCulloch having press conference at 4 pm at County Justice Center.
RT @tanehisicoates: Ferguson Police Report is a record of plunder made legal. In other words, it fits right in with the history of this country.
RT @reportedly: Stats to keep in mind while reading #FergusonReport on police bias: via @CarrollDoherty http://pewrsr.ch/1rvopOD http://t.co/w6mnapsIvU