Megen Vo

I have just met you, and I love you!
In anticipation of tomorrow's extra calories, I am making Ben go to the gym with me now, even though it's super late. We'll see if this turns out to be a good idea.
Yay Thanksgiving!
Someone thought it was a good idea to bring a two year old to the 9pm screening of "Precious" tonight.
Possibly the most inappropriate movie for children ever. - Megen Vo
Breakfast for dinner, yum!
Best find of the day: a free Polish phrase book. Dzien dobry Krakow, here I come!
Now that Halloween is over, it's time to prepare for the annual Vo-Golub family Chrismukkah extravaganza!
Every year for my birthday and Chrismukkah I ask for a puppy. It's only worked once. - Megen Vo
We call that ThanksMasKah! - Rachel Lea Fox
So many Halloween parties, such little time
Dear Ben: I'm sorry I coughed all over our apartment and made you sick. Love, me
Even though I'm sick again, I love that Ben is making me soup and my Daddy called to make sure I have enough orange juice.
what kind of soup? - Marci Golub
Matzah ball - Benjamin Golub
Matzah ball soup will make everything better! - Marci Golub
Steelers vs. Browns!
Brains are awesome.
Homemade caramelized onion, roasted red pepper, and goat cheese pizza
The Steelers = awesome
My voice is hoarse from cheering. That, and the cold Ben gave me. - Megen Vo
Radiology elective = lots of time to cook. On the menu tonight: white bean and kale stew, cornbread, and ginger cookies.
I love you, Megen!!! I don't love your taste in football teams!!! - Marci Golub
Ben!!! Is the takeover complete??? - Marci Golub
I feel somewhat guilty about eating out so much the past few days, but not enough to turn down Good Luck's fries.
I love downloading music. Sometimes I miss being a hipster.
I only have one patient to preround on tomorrow, which means I get to sleep in until 5:30!
Sad. I lost my stethescope somewhere in the hospital today.
As long as you didn't lose it in a patient... - Akiva
:( and ha ha Akiva! - Rachel Lea Fox
Done with OB night float. Now it's time to get back on a normal human schedule.
Going to sleep. Is it wrong that I'm not really tired after a 14+ hour shift?
Day 1 of night float: wolfing down food before trying to fall asleep in broad daylight. Vampirism 101?
Time to deliver some babies!
Just kidding. Time to go back to sleep and come back for night float at 5pm. - Megen Vo
Awesome night out with good food, old and new friends, and one very drunk guy. Happy birthday Ben!
Just to be clear I wasn't the "one very drunk guy" :). We ran into a group of 21 year olds celebrating their friends birthday at my favorite bar. One guy in particular was just off the wall. Overall, best birthday ever :) - Benjamin Golub
Happy birthday Ben!
happy birthday! - alieb
Happy Birthday!! - Tim Costantino
I want a burrito.
Free burrito day at the new Chipotle = awesome. - Megen Vo
Of course, as soon as I get used to a rotation, it's on to the next.
Stoked that Barnes and Noble now has wireless. Off to do a little light studying, then hopefully Park Ave fest, gym, dinner, and friends!