Megen Vo

I have just met you, and I love you!
Cooking for just myself = minimum effort
Man I wish we could have gone to the FriendFeed Oscar party!
Baking cookies from the Magnolia cookbook
Dear Medical School: I thought we were cool, until you scheduled a Saturday afternoon oral exam on Valentine's Day.
Studying for my Valentine's Day cardiology exam
Mindy Kaling is hilarious:
Ice skating!
The grader of my last test wrote "$$$$$ Money" under comments after one of my essays. I hope that means my response was awesome, and not that I should have talked about the cost of treatment.
I lean towards awesome, since I got full credit. - Megen Vo
mustard and brown sugar glazed salmon, salt and vinegar potato salad, and glazed carrots for dinner.
Making Curried Butternut Squash and Lentil soup for our Souper Bowl party.
GO STEELERS! Too bad I can't wear my Steelers jersey to my recital today.
Maybe I'll wear it over my clothes until I sing. - Megen Vo
This photo is the essence of our relationship.
Ben's patience is love. - Megen Vo
I am at a loss of words. I guess "I love you too" is appropriate? - Benjamin Golub
Ben has pinchable cheeks :) - Marci Golub
Preparing for tomorrow's Steelers-fest. Grocery shopping and cleaning.
Obama roots for the Steelers! -
Crumbling economy will make for thinner boxes of Thin Mints -
Now I really want some Trefoils. - Megen Vo
Thank goodness Samoas are unaffected - Benjamin Golub
That's because they already only put like 8 cookies in the box. Good thing, too, because my are they tasty. - Clare Dibble
Snowed in and studying.
We gave Loki a bath and now she's running around like a tiny maniac
photos? video? - Rachel Lea Fox
I tried to get it on camera but she calmed down by the time I got it. We gave her a greenie ( as a treat for enduring the bath and before eating it she likes to furiously run around the house with it in her mouth. - Benjamin Golub
hehehhe she's loving every minute of it too!! LOL :) - Susan Beebe
Happy Year of the Ox! I can't believe Ben and I turn 24 this year.
Nothing good comes from turning 24 (except presents). I'm excited for 25 when we can rent a car without paying an extra $10 a day and auto insurance plummets. - Benjamin Golub
I turned 35 last year, so now I can be president. (Finally!) - Kevin Fox
Maybe someday soon I'll start looking my age. Or at least old enough so that I don't get asked if I want a children's menu (no joke, that happened last week). - Megen Vo
I quite enjoy doing home visits
Studying while nursing my war wounds. We practiced blood draws on each other today.
It's cool to get the results of your own CBC. Also nice to know that I'm probably not dying. - Megen Vo
I'm glad to hear that too. - Benjamin Golub
free clinic
Recovering by watching TV and eating Wegmans fruit tart. I can't believe I only saw two patients tonight... it felt like twenty. - Megen Vo
If that is your idea of patient recovery, sign me up for your next appointment! :) - Jeanette Bosman
Roasted vegetable lasagna and chocolate fondue!
Sounds yummy! Also: chocolate lasagna and vegetable fondue sounds appealing. (as long as the vegetable fondue involves dipping the vegetables in CHEESE) :) :) - Jeanette Bosman
Today is a reading day.
Here we go, Steelers, here we go... Pittsburgh's going to the Super Bowl!
we are watching too (for once)!!! i always loved (and was scared of) the sports enthusiasm in Pittsburgh! - Rachel Lea Fox
I've always gotta root for Pittsburgh. It means so much to Pittsburghers. Roll On Yinz Steelers! - Kevin Fox
Sorry - wanna see Ray Lewis back in the big game :) - Christopher Galtenberg
It's been a while since heard someone say: "yinz". Gotta get back to the 'burgh some day soon. - no name
Out to dinner for Tet with Ben and the parents.
Ben just took a picture of us in our long underwear. Admittedly not the most attractive picture ever taken.
Maybe not the most attractive but probably the most comfortable - Benjamin Golub
Elephant and Dog Buddies! -
Seeing Tosca with the gang :-)
It feels so wrong to be making flash cards again. The female reproductive tract is way more interesting than the kidney, though.
I agree - Benjamin Golub
I'm with Ben. - Lee Wilson